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Messages - Scott

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Before I answer to that specific request, I want to check to make sure you know that you don't need to make the product master entry for items.  It is intended for items that sell over and over with multiple stock of the same team.
For single sale items you can just enter that info directly into the sold item tab.

Let me know if you are already aware of that, and we can discuss the best way to implement what you're looking for.


Minor update with bug fix is available as of the time of this post (8/14/2017):
In this update:

 * In certain rare scenarios, combined checkout items could potentially show up twice in sold list.  [resolved]
 * In certain rare scenarios related to combined checkout, sales could be missing from the download.  [resolved]
 * Changed numbering scheme for sales record number for combined checkout
 * Changed naming scheme for Item/Transaction ID (Unique) for combined checkout items

Once again, don't forget to check out our Affiliate Program!
 * Earn up to $6 per referral - see link for details -

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Solds on product master list
« on: August 11, 2017, 02:09:02 pm »
Hi, it may be simpler than you think because you don't actually even need to make an entry in the product master tab for single items.  It's up to you, but I only recommend making product master entries for items that sell frequently.
But to answer your question, you can delete the entry if you want to get rid of it.
Let me know if I can help further.

General Discussion / Re: Quantity
« on: August 09, 2017, 04:42:13 pm »
There is an ongoing series of videos here where I will address any tutorial questions in video format that the community requests...

MyCostPro Updates and Version History / Server Maintenance 8/8/2017
« on: August 08, 2017, 05:57:04 pm »
The MyCostPro servers experienced some downtime today throughout the day.
The issue should be fully resolved as of around 17:05 today.

If you attempted to download sales today and it failed, it was due to this issue.  Please check point 1 & 2 below.

1. If you saved your file after attempting, please reset your download duration days in the account info tab to go far enough back to capture your last sale, and re query your sold items.

2. If you did not save your file after attempting earlier today, you should be able to resume use as normal now upon reopening the sheet.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any trouble from todays issue (which should be fully resolved now).

Thank you,

General Discussion / Re: Quantity
« on: August 08, 2017, 05:50:54 pm »
Welcome, and thanks for joining the forums!
The product master does not do what you mention exactly... the purpose of it is to track the details of that item such as the cost to purchase each, etc.

The active listing tab can track the quantity of inventory you have unsold, and the sold item tab can track the quantity of inventory that has sold.
These combined should be your total inventory for the year.

Let me know if you have any further questions about this topic.

Off-Topic / So You Wanna Sell on eBay Podcast news!
« on: August 06, 2017, 06:01:33 pm »
Hey everyone, our friends over at the So You Wanna Sell on eBay podcast are looking for guests for upcoming interviews... and they're looking for sellers just like you!
Hunter and I were on the show a little while ago, and it was really fun; it was really casual and relaxed, no pressure.

Its time to tell your story!  Just email Ron and let him know you're interested, and he will take care of everything else -->

You can also check out their facebook page and get in touch with Ron or Ali that way -->

Post here if you have any questions about Hunter and my experience on the show... it was a really great experience!

MyCostPro Updates and Version History / Re: Server Maintenance 8/5/2017
« on: August 05, 2017, 02:33:18 pm »
OK everybody... we're back up!  Thanks for your patience.

Maintenance notes:
 * Sales that were cancelled by eBay (in abnormal situations) had the potential to prevent the sales call from returning - now resolved.

MyCostPro Updates and Version History / Server Maintenance 8/5/2017
« on: August 05, 2017, 01:46:14 pm »
Please be aware that our servers are temporarily down for maintenance.  I will post here when everything is back up, thanks for your patience!

If they were inserted manually into MyCostPro, they may be missing some required fields that are normally updated when the automatic update is run.  Most likely the unique identifying field in the hidden column B "Item/Transaction ID (Unique)".
You dont need to fill this in with the same format data as the automatic download, but you would need to fill it in with UNIQUE data for your manual entries.  For example, you could use just the transaction number, as long as you were sure it would never repeat.

note: The data that is automatically downloaded will never repeat.

Let me know if thats not the issue.

The instructions are on the account info tab.  (They are there because that's where you can convieniently go to copy you download key).

Put your download key and user id in on the download page.

Save the new file and your old file in the same folder.

Run step one on the old file, close it.

Run step 2 on the new file.  Done!

General Discussion / Re: Cost of Goods
« on: July 27, 2017, 07:42:00 pm »
The updates mentioned have been put into place, head over to the download page to grab the newest version.

Review the update notes here:

New version is available as of the time of this post (7/27/2017):
In this update:

 * Added Save button to Home Page (top left, disk icon)
 ** Last saved timestamp was also added to home page (top left, under disk icon)
 *** [bug fix] Prevent pop-up message requesting MyCostPro VBA password when closing the sheet after saving using the new button
 * Added Product Source and Purchase date to Product Master tab
 ** These values will transfer to the Sold List when sold or clicking to update sold list from product master data.

Once again, don't forget to check out our Affiliate Program!
 * Earn up to $6 per referral - see link for details -

You're awesome!  Thank you!  I will sticky this when I get to my computer posting from cell phone right now)

General Discussion / Re: Cost of Goods
« on: July 16, 2017, 05:25:01 pm »
:). Np... that's why I'm here!

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