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Messages - Scott

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General Discussion / Re: Cost of Goods
« on: July 13, 2017, 07:53:56 pm »

Thanks for the good questions, im going to do my best to help out here.

Q) You want to know if you can use *wildcard* on SKU field instead of item description field
A) Not currently, but I understand the scenario and how it could be helpful.  Keep in mind the SKU field would have to populated on the ebay side, so that it would be included in the sales download, or else there would be nothing to tie the two together.  Let me know if im explaining that poorly.  If its a big item for you maybe we can start a new thread on the product feature forum to make sure we get all of the details right.

Q) Add cost of goods sold column to Active Listing Sheet as well as additional info (inventory source, cost, and purchase date) to help with end of year inventory.
A) The Active Listing Sheet is just a snapshot of what is currently "active" so any data you input there would go away after the item sold.  For that I create the Product Master tab.  If you think it would be helpful, I can update that to include the inventory source and purchase date (cost is already there).  Also, I will explain below* how to update your active items into the Product Master very quickly.

*Make Product Master for all of your Active Listings Quickly.
Update your active listings with the "check active listings on ebay" button, then:
1. On the Active Item List tab, make sure the "Click Layout Assist" button is set to ":off"
2. Highlight a list of Item Titles by left clicking the mouse (hold it down) and drag to select as many item titles as you want (they will be highlighted in light blue)
3. Hit Ctrl-C to copy to the clipboard
4. Navigate to the Product Master tab.  (Click Home, then Product Master)
5. Click (single left click) in the first empty cell for Listing Description
6. Ctrl-V to paste.  [optionally, you can use "paste-special, values only" to keep the formatting cleaner visually]
7. Now you can fill in your COGS and they will be saved and automatically transferred to the sold item tab

Feature Requests / Re: eBay Monthly Store Fee
« on: July 13, 2017, 07:15:11 pm »
I like this idea, and it is in the pile for future development.

Thanks for the input!

Excel 2007 is just fine (I actually wrote most of the software using excel 2007).
I have not been able to replicate this issue.  If anyone that is having this issue is willing to do the following and report back, I would really appreciate it:  Uninstall Office Excel 2007, and reinstall.
There may be an issue that Microsoft has since patched.

General Discussion / Re: Cost of Goods
« on: July 11, 2017, 08:38:13 pm »
I'm glad you're enjoying the program so far.
Let me try to help you out with your question.

The costs and additional details can be entered immediately in the product master* tab.
Once the item sells it will pull this data into the sold item data; these are paired together by the item listing ti

Since you are selling one-off items, you may choose to use the sku field for something like the supplier name if that is more valuable in your specific case. 

Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

*fixed my typo (thanks hunter!)

What do you all think about this?
It's only affecting the "ebay deals" items apparently (fortunately)

Off-Topic / List of free USPS priority box weights
« on: June 22, 2017, 09:07:26 pm »
Ever wonder how much weight the box actually adds to your package?  FITSHIPPER has compiled this list with the weights of many of the Priority Mail shipping boxes you can get for free from

eBay and PayPal Fees / New fee category
« on: June 09, 2017, 05:27:54 am »
Ebay released a new fee category a few days ago:  Guitars and Bass at the low rate of 3.5%.
Unlike other categories this also applies to non-store owners, however the max fee cuts off at $350 for non-store owners, and $250 for store owners.

Does anybody sell guitars that can tell me what prompted this?

These are returned as "variations".  And, yes, you get all of the variation detailed information in MyCostPro.  Unhide the PRODUCT column section (it's in-between the INCOME and CUSTOMER sections) on the sold item page to see this info.  Let me know if you have any trouble.

Technical Support / Re: Cant select between Months in reports.
« on: May 04, 2017, 04:17:38 am »
Thats odd for sure... can you send me a screenshot of what you see when the dropdown works but it only says January?  Seeing it might help me to figure out what is going on.

Technical Support / Re: Cant select between Months in reports.
« on: May 01, 2017, 08:13:58 pm »
Awesome that you like MyCostPro so far!  I want to help figure out whats going on:  The Month dropdowns are Active X content, can you confirm that you have active x enabled?  Also, please let me know your windows and excel versions.

General Discussion / Re: Dashboard Categories
« on: April 21, 2017, 08:41:47 pm »
Sorry you're having trouble...  I will need to gather a bit more info to determine what is going on.  Please email me the following to :
* MS Office version
* Windows version
* A screenshot of the problem

Good suggestion, thank him for the input :)

Hi MCP User,
These are gathered from the expense tab.

Anybody that sold multiple quantity (of the same item, in the same sale) from 3/31/2017 ~ 4/13/2017 please check the selling price.  During this time it was returning the price of a single item instead of the combined total of all of the items.

You will be able to tell which rows might be affected by looking at the Quantity row (any that are above 1.)

The fix is done on the server-side, so there is no new spreadsheet download needed.
To correct the price if it affected you, please choose whichever method you find the most convenient (See below).

Please SAVE your sheet before trying either method.

Method 1 (manual fix, best if you have just a few and know the correct price):  Simply click in the affected cell and type in the new corrected price.

Method 2 (semi-automated, best if you don't know the correct price):  Delete the affected prices by clicking the cell and hitting the delete key.  Then set the number of days back to cover that time period on the Account Info tab (back to the affected sale) and then re-run the sold query.  NOTE:  MyCostPro will update any cells that are blank from previous sales, but it will not update cells that are currently filled in (this is by design).

Thank you to the users that alerted us, sorry for the trouble, and please contact me here or at if you have any further trouble.

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Unpaid/Cancelled orders
« on: April 14, 2017, 08:16:44 am »
Yes, eBay returns unpaid items in the sold results because they are sold (even though they arent paid for).

In MyCostPro it will have "NONE" in the "Payment Method' column which is hidden by default.
If the item is cancelled it will show in the "refund given" column which is hidden by default in the expense section.

Check out the video tutorials to show how to hide/unhide the columns with extra data, and let me know if I can be of further help with this topic.

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