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Messages - Scott

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 29
Technical Support / Re: How to resize column and cell sizes
« on: June 22, 2024, 12:16:39 am »
You can resize columns as you would normally in excel if you click the black FULL SCREEN button on the top right to display the column lettering.  Just drag the edge of the column lettering box to the left or right to resize.

You will notice some columns have an 'h' above them.  If you click the beige colored Hide 'h' Columns button, it will toggle between hiding those columns and displaying them.  You can add or remove an 'h' from any columns that you choose and then toggle between hiding them and displaying them with that button.

It is working on our end now as well but we haven't heard back from eBay Developer Support team that it is 100% resolved yet, so just let me know if it reoccurs.

There appears to be a ebay connectivity issue, after several attempts the data was coming through... sporadically. 
It doesn't appear to be affecting any other customers that we can determine at this point.
We have created a helpdesk ticket with eBay Developer Support team, usually this type of issue can be resolved reasonably quickly so I will be in touch with you by email when we get an update.

After you query your active list, if you place an X in the last column "Confirm (x)", and then click that button, it will create an entry in the product master table for that active listing you have.
Let me know if you need further explanation.

Im not sure what I did but I accidentally replied directly in your message (some kind of admin thing...).
I removed it and will paste down here:

The Chart Title sounds like you hit the F11 key; in excel that key will make a new worksheet with a blank chart if you hit it with no data selected.  If you dont see the worksheet tabs because you are in the Full Screen mode, you can hit CTRL+Page UP and CTRL+Page Down to cycle through the worksheets.  Cycle to a sheet that has the full screen button at the top right, click it, and it will show the tab names, and you can right click and delete the new tab that was created in error.

This is a complicated question to answer, but thank you for the opportunity to address this.
Ebay offers many different APIs for developers to access, each of which allow very specific information to be returned.

Currently only the eBay 'Fulfillment' API allows a query duration of greater than 90 days. 
However, MyCostPro gathers most of the data critical to seller-bookeeping from various other APIs that currently do not allow a query duration of greater than 90 days.

Going forward, we are continuously following the progress that eBay makes on API updates and will continue to add additional functionality to MyCostPro as it is made available through the eBay APIs.

Thanks again for the great question.

The recent back end update timing would just be a coincidence, it didnt change anything that would affect the excel file.
Im not sure of the solution as this seems to be a widespread issue with one drive... here is a link to the Microsoft forum with some discussions and possible solutions on the topic:

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Fill In Product Master Details
« on: March 25, 2024, 05:27:04 pm »
If there were sales that you had already downloaded prior to entering the matching information onto the product master tab, it will transfer it at that time (it normally transfers automatically when the sale is downloaded.)

Technical Support / Re: Formula Problem
« on: March 15, 2024, 07:01:54 pm »
It sounds like perhaps a circular reference error, im not sure how it might have gotten like that though.
If you send me a copy of your file to I would be happy to take a look.

Technical Support / Re: Active Items Gone, error message
« on: March 14, 2024, 05:27:01 pm »
Hi, Thank you for alerting us and Im sorry for not posting here sooner that this was in process of being addressed (I just noticed this post).
We have heard back from the eBay Developer Support team that this issue is resolved.  (No further information was provided)

Technical Support / Re: Runtime error 1004
« on: March 02, 2024, 08:08:20 pm »
It looks like your cat probably hit F11, which creates a new worksheet for a chart like shown.
If you hit CTRL+Page Up or CTRL+Page Down on the keyboard it will switch back to one of the normal worksheets and you can click the FULL SCREEN button to display the worksheet tabs and delete the worksheet that was made.
Or if you prefer just send me a copy to and ill take care of that for you.


Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Shipping expense
« on: January 30, 2024, 09:08:01 pm »
That is a tricky question that the eBay Developer API Documentation does not provide an answer to... Keep in mind nothing on our end changes, it is eBay that determines if they send us the information or not.  I would say, be aware that it could be a potential issue, and monitor to make sure it is populating correctly if you run into a gray area scenario like that.

Feature Requests / Re: Set when the year starts.
« on: January 29, 2024, 06:18:45 pm »
Ok, thanks for the feedback, we will add that to the list of updates for this next release.

Scott I haven't heard back from you.

I am not seeing anything, even in junk mail.
Can you try sending me an email with no attachments to see if it will come through?  Somewhere along the line your email is being rejected.

Can you send me a copy of your file to
Im not sure what is going on with your file, but I will try to get it sorted out for you.

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