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Messages - Scott

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Technical Support / Re: Help! Problems saving file!
« on: November 08, 2017, 04:28:56 am »
Sorry youre having trouble.  Im not exactly sure because that sounds like an issue with OneDrive (as opposed to something wrong with the sheet), but I did a little research:

There were two solutions given to someone that posted on microsoft's website with a similar issue.
I would try the 2nd one first ("repair" office).
To run the repair you go to the uninstall section in windows and click office and choose repair (the button should be next to uninstall).

Let me know how it turns out, ill see what else I can do if those dont work!

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: formatting
« on: November 03, 2017, 05:21:27 am »
You can edit using all of the standard excel formatting tools:

Click the FULL SCREEN button to exit the full screen mode which will display the Ribbon Bar and Row and Column labeling.
At that point you can change any column sizes, font sizes, wrap settings, etc, let me know if you need assistance with any of it.

Note: The item description column is the column that links to the sold item tab to automatically populate (they need to match).
This column was used because many sellers dont utilize the SKU data.
You can use other columns (such as SKU) to fill in a more basic name, etc.

I hope that helps!

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Basic Inventory List
« on: November 02, 2017, 05:03:54 pm »
Thanks for the kind remarks!  While the product master tab may be more necessary for sellers that resell the same items over and over, it can also be utilized as a means to record your purchase details for single (unique) items.  Let me know if you have trouble with it after playing around with it a bit. 
Currently MyCostPro only supports the eBay platform, in the long term  future we may consider expanding if the demand is present in our customer base.
I hope this helps!

Technical Support / Re: Unsold and not yet relisted
« on: October 19, 2017, 05:00:36 pm »
Thanks for the question.
No, there is only an option to download all unsold items.  The primary purpose for this data is to make sure fees are included in the case that the item doesnt sell.  So it must gather all unsold items in order to complete this purpose.

Let me know if I can clarify further.

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Listing Removed, Sale Won't Download
« on: October 15, 2017, 12:18:57 pm »
The key to inserting rows manually is to make sure all of the required fields are included.
First unhide the listing detail columns:  turn click layout assist to ON, and click the double triangle above the listing column bookmark (far left in the  sold item tab).
That first column (column B) is required to be a unique non repeating number, so you can fill that in however you like as long as it is unique to that entry.

Technical Support / Re: Cost Of Goods Is Blank
« on: October 14, 2017, 05:36:05 am »
Thank you for asking! :)

Technical Support / Re: Cost Of Goods Is Blank
« on: October 12, 2017, 11:04:03 pm »
Hmmm.  Not sure why you couldnt copy and paste, let me go over the process and let me know if you still have any trouble.

Single (left) click the September COGS cell to select it (do not double click).
Single (left) click the October COGS cell to select it.

This should work because none of these cells should be locked, but let me know!


Technical Support / Re: More than One Ebay Account
« on: October 03, 2017, 07:20:51 pm »
Each subscription is tied to a single seller account through eBay.

If you have multiple subscriptions you can put them on the same sheet by changing the download key before running the query, but you would also need to reset the download duration manually each time you switched between updating subscriptions.
(The download duration is set on the Account Info tab.)

I hope that helps, let me know if I can clarify further.

Technical Support / Re: Sorting & Importing data
« on: September 26, 2017, 04:50:05 pm »
While you can use all of excels functions to sort, I realize it is not the most convenient for most users, so I will add a sort preference option to the next update.
Please stand by!

As far as importing data from foreign templates, it can be done, it just depends on your level of excel familiarity.
I am not familiar with the layout of that one, but I am sure it would be quite different, so that means the column data wouldn't line up exactly, and would take a bit of precision effort to completely import data correctly.

I hope this helps answer your question.

Awesome!  I replied back to your email, thanks for the kind words  :)

Please email your user information privately to the email address and we will reset your token so that it will direct you to eBay to authorize it next time you use MyCostPro.

General Discussion / Re: 2 Ebay Stores
« on: September 15, 2017, 05:59:32 pm »
Thanks for the question:
Each subscription is tied to a single seller account through eBay.

If you have multiple subscriptions you can put them on the same sheet by changing the download key before running the query, but you would also need to reset the download duration manually each time you switched between updating subscriptions.
(The download duration is set on the Account Info tab.)

I hope that helps, let me know if I can clarify further.

Feature Requests / Re: One button to change the $ to pound sign
« on: September 10, 2017, 04:47:21 pm »
We havent put in an automated way to change this yet, but you can still change it using excel's standard features.

Select the columns that you want to change currency type.
Right Click... Select Format Cell
In the Number tab select Currency and select the symbol that you would like to see from the drop down.

Let me know if you have any trouble with that.

Technical Support / Re: COGS List
« on: August 28, 2017, 08:05:37 pm »
Yes, you can, just follow these steps:

1. On the Active Listing tab, set the "CLICK LAYOUT ASSIST BUTTON" to "OFF"  (You cannot copy and paste while it is set to "on")

2. On the Active listing tab, highlight the range of item names with left click (hold down, drag to select, let go of left click when selection is complete).

3. Right click on that selection and select "COPY"... or hit CTRL-C (keyboard shortcut for copy)

4. Go to your product detail page, select (single left click) the top cell where you want the product names to go.

5. Right click and select PASTE-SPECIAL, and then select VALUES ONLY.  (The "Values only" option for PASTE will prevent the formatting from changing, keeping everything looking as it should)

Post here if you have any trouble!  Thanks!


OK, I see what you're trying to do.

I will look into it and see how to get this done in an effective way.

FYI, one option you have open currently is to run your active list, and copy and paste all of them into the product master.
That may help you in the mean time.

Thanks for the input,

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