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Feature Requests / Re: Purchases Bought and Sold on Ebay
« Last post by NYWO000 on Today at 12:59:12 am »
In an era where globalization is combined with unfamiliar languages, understanding and using the benefits of customized sex dolls is imperative, but it is a long battle.
Technical Support / Re: February thru June Sales Not in MyCost Pro
« Last post by Scott on January 07, 2025, 09:10:08 pm »
No, our servers only gather the API data and send it to be stored locally on your file on your PC.
We do not retain any of the seller data (by design).  If you choose to send a copy of the file to I can see if it is there still and just not showing up on the reports for some reason.
Please let me know by email if you would like to proceed with mentioned or if I can be of further assistance.
Technical Support / Re: New YEAR 2025
« Last post by Scott on January 07, 2025, 09:06:02 pm »
Happy New Year!
To get started in 2025, please note that MyCostPro is not tied to a specific year.
You do not "need" to download a new file to continue to gather your selling information.

If you do not want to start a new file, I do still recommend saving a backup file containing your 2024, just in case anything happens.  One way would be to email the file to yourself; then it will be in the cloud for you to retrieve for as long as you have that email account.

If you prefer to have a clean new file each year, that is fine too (and recommended for performance if you are a large seller).  You can save your current file as its own file name:

-Click the black FULL SCREEN button near the top right, that will display the ribbon bar.
-Select File->Save As... and rename the file MyCostPro2024.xlsm (or whatever you choose).

Then navigate here to get a new copy for your new year's sales:
When you first open the program:
-Input your existing (same as before) download key
-Go to the Account Info / Settings tab
-Set your UTC offset to synchronize the ebay sales to your timezone
-Change the number of days to 6, 7, 8, etc. to go back to the beginning of the year
-Download your sales
-Check to see if any sales are included from the previous year that you don't want to include
-If there are some, click the black FULL SCREEN button so that the row numbering is displayed
-Right click the row number of the transaction from the previous year, and select delete... this method safely deletes the entire transaction.

If you have any problems, don't hesitate to post them here or email me at
I prefer questions to be asked here, so they can potentially help other users by seeing the answer.  However, you can always email me directly.
Technical Support / February thru June Sales Not in MyCost Pro
« Last post by swiowalady on January 07, 2025, 08:54:34 pm »
I came to print my 2024 reports for taxes, but my data for February 1-June 30 is gone.  It had been there because I always check after I download my sales.  Any chance it's still "living" out there somewhere and that it can be recovered?
Technical Support / New YEAR 2025
« Last post by larful on January 07, 2025, 08:25:02 pm »
Now that we are starting 2025 is there a way to "close out 2024" and start over on a clean sheet?
Or do I just keep going and do all that by sorting and selecting the parameters i want to look at?
Technical Support / Re: Spreadsheet stuck on Chart
« Last post by Creeperkat on December 19, 2024, 05:04:56 pm »
PHEW!  The CTRL+PAGE UP worked and I closed all the Chart Tabs. All good now!   Thank you Scott!   
Technical Support / Re: Spreadsheet stuck on Chart
« Last post by Scott on December 19, 2024, 04:35:15 pm »
It looks like you have hit the F11 key which creates a chart tab in excel!
Not to worry, if you see the worksheet tab names along the bottom you can right click it and select the Delete option.
If you do not see the worksheet tab names along the bottom you can use CTRL+PAGE UP  and/or  CTRL+PAGE DOWN to switch worksheets.
Switch to a worksheet where you see the black FULL SCREEN button at the top of the sheet, and when you click that it will reveal the Worksheet tabs along the bottom.  From there you can right click it and delete it.

Let me know if you have any trouble!
Technical Support / Spreadsheet stuck on Chart
« Last post by Creeperkat on December 19, 2024, 03:59:23 pm »
So, I had my spreadsheet open and I dropped something on the keyboard and it now shows a chart that I can't get out of.  There are no menu options across the top.  I toggled between Full Screen (CTRL+SHIFT+F1) which doesn't really change anything other than status bar at the bottom. Unfortunately, I have the spreadsheet auto-saved on OneDrive so I can't revert back.  Attached is what I see.  Any suggestions?
Feature Requests / Re: Purchases Bought and Sold on Ebay
« Last post by william_b_noble on November 16, 2024, 10:43:31 am »
how about just download ebay purchases and let us users decide what to do with that info - that would be a huge help.  it would be trivial to categorize the just like other expenses by just adding a "personal" expense category for items that are not business related.  That would be a giant step forward for MCP
Can you send me a copy of the file that isnt working to
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