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General Discussion / Re: Sales Not Loading
« Last post by atamboli on August 13, 2024, 11:58:12 am »
I've done that and I still cannot get my ebay sales to load.
General Discussion / Re: Sales Not Loading
« Last post by Scott on August 06, 2024, 05:23:46 pm »
Thanks for also contacting me by email and verifying the solution...  Just to update anyone else reading the post with a similar problem: the download duration needed to be reset.
General Discussion / Sales Not Loading
« Last post by swiowalady on August 06, 2024, 09:52:47 am »
I'm trying to load my Ebay sales, but get a message that says there are no sales.  MyCost sent me to Ebay to confirm that Ebay has permission to share data with MyCost, but I still get the message stating that there are no sales to download.     

I'm not very "techy" and am not sure how to attack this problem.  Anyone got any ideas? 

Technical Support / Re: How to resize column and cell sizes
« Last post by Scott on June 22, 2024, 12:16:39 am »
You can resize columns as you would normally in excel if you click the black FULL SCREEN button on the top right to display the column lettering.  Just drag the edge of the column lettering box to the left or right to resize.

You will notice some columns have an 'h' above them.  If you click the beige colored Hide 'h' Columns button, it will toggle between hiding those columns and displaying them.  You can add or remove an 'h' from any columns that you choose and then toggle between hiding them and displaying them with that button.
Technical Support / How to resize column and cell sizes
« Last post by Mazvol on June 21, 2024, 09:25:06 pm »
I would like to increase / resize the width of some cells and remove columns which I do not use, could I have some advice how please.
It is working on our end now as well but we haven't heard back from eBay Developer Support team that it is 100% resolved yet, so just let me know if it reoccurs.
Thanks for the follow up Scott! By late last night, functionality was restored!
There appears to be a ebay connectivity issue, after several attempts the data was coming through... sporadically. 
It doesn't appear to be affecting any other customers that we can determine at this point.
We have created a helpdesk ticket with eBay Developer Support team, usually this type of issue can be resolved reasonably quickly so I will be in touch with you by email when we get an update.
Got back from a trip to Vermont, shipped all sold items, but when trying to download sold items, I get the "Sorry, no new sold items" or something similar. I have set the duration as far as 10 days back, still get the "Sorry, no new sold items" message. Anybody else having this problem?
After you query your active list, if you place an X in the last column "Confirm (x)", and then click that button, it will create an entry in the product master table for that active listing you have.
Let me know if you need further explanation.
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