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Topics - Scott

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New version is available as of the time of this post (1/15/2017):  visit   with your download key
In this update:

 * Enabled relisting of unsold items
 * Changed (improved) the method of tying listing insertion fees and upgrade fees to the sold item and unsold item records.  (Should capture all, and will not duplicate)
 ** May need to update sheet from brand new blank sheet to take effect.
 *** Does not impact sellers that have 100% free insertions with no extra insertion upgrade fees.
 * Fixed the P&L overhead expense categories not updating to match customized user-setup categories

MyCostPro Affiliate Program
 * Announcing the MyCostPro Affiliate Program!
 * Earn up to $6 per referral - see link for details -

New version is available as of the time of this post (1/7/2017):
In this update:

 * Separated address fields into individual cells - old style "complete address" is still present (hidden by default in the customer section of sold list)
 * Added customer phone number
 * Added Sales Record Number
 * Sold list items will now be sorted properly after updating
 * Added feature to transfer old sheet data to new sheet
 ** Sold list, unsold list, product master, customer master, expense master will all transfer with new feature
 *** This requires the feature on both version of the sheet (old and new), so it will take effect on the next update
 * Fixed bug for Product Master not transferring to sold list if the Product Name was blank - (Incorrectly reported as fixed in last update, I apologize.)
 * Changed initial sold list call to 7 days.  This only affects the first time the sold list is run; each subsequent sold list call is from the time of the last call - until current time.
 ** User can change this to 90 days maximum to populate past data further back.

MyCost Server
 * Download server error "...incorrect user for download..." issue has been resolved
 ** Download the current version of MyCostPro at any time now and in the future with your download key and your user ID.

Coming soon...
Expanded Tutorials section on website

eBay and PayPal Fees / Current eBay Fee Tables for reference
« on: December 27, 2016, 12:29:51 pm »
Current eBay Store fees as of 12/27/2016:
For eBay sellers that are considering subscribing to one of eBay's store subscriptions.  If anyone wants this in spreadsheet format just let me know and I can post it up as a free download.

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