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Topics - Scott

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MyCostPro Updates and Version History / Server Maintenance 8/8/2017
« on: August 08, 2017, 05:57:04 pm »
The MyCostPro servers experienced some downtime today throughout the day.
The issue should be fully resolved as of around 17:05 today.

If you attempted to download sales today and it failed, it was due to this issue.  Please check point 1 & 2 below.

1. If you saved your file after attempting, please reset your download duration days in the account info tab to go far enough back to capture your last sale, and re query your sold items.

2. If you did not save your file after attempting earlier today, you should be able to resume use as normal now upon reopening the sheet.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any trouble from todays issue (which should be fully resolved now).

Thank you,

Off-Topic / So You Wanna Sell on eBay Podcast news!
« on: August 06, 2017, 06:01:33 pm »
Hey everyone, our friends over at the So You Wanna Sell on eBay podcast are looking for guests for upcoming interviews... and they're looking for sellers just like you!
Hunter and I were on the show a little while ago, and it was really fun; it was really casual and relaxed, no pressure.

Its time to tell your story!  Just email Ron and let him know you're interested, and he will take care of everything else -->

You can also check out their facebook page and get in touch with Ron or Ali that way -->

Post here if you have any questions about Hunter and my experience on the show... it was a really great experience!

MyCostPro Updates and Version History / Server Maintenance 8/5/2017
« on: August 05, 2017, 01:46:14 pm »
Please be aware that our servers are temporarily down for maintenance.  I will post here when everything is back up, thanks for your patience!

New version is available as of the time of this post (7/27/2017):
In this update:

 * Added Save button to Home Page (top left, disk icon)
 ** Last saved timestamp was also added to home page (top left, under disk icon)
 *** [bug fix] Prevent pop-up message requesting MyCostPro VBA password when closing the sheet after saving using the new button
 * Added Product Source and Purchase date to Product Master tab
 ** These values will transfer to the Sold List when sold or clicking to update sold list from product master data.

Once again, don't forget to check out our Affiliate Program!
 * Earn up to $6 per referral - see link for details -

What do you all think about this?
It's only affecting the "ebay deals" items apparently (fortunately)

Off-Topic / List of free USPS priority box weights
« on: June 22, 2017, 09:07:26 pm »
Ever wonder how much weight the box actually adds to your package?  FITSHIPPER has compiled this list with the weights of many of the Priority Mail shipping boxes you can get for free from

eBay and PayPal Fees / New fee category
« on: June 09, 2017, 05:27:54 am »
Ebay released a new fee category a few days ago:  Guitars and Bass at the low rate of 3.5%.
Unlike other categories this also applies to non-store owners, however the max fee cuts off at $350 for non-store owners, and $250 for store owners.

Does anybody sell guitars that can tell me what prompted this?

Anybody that sold multiple quantity (of the same item, in the same sale) from 3/31/2017 ~ 4/13/2017 please check the selling price.  During this time it was returning the price of a single item instead of the combined total of all of the items.

You will be able to tell which rows might be affected by looking at the Quantity row (any that are above 1.)

The fix is done on the server-side, so there is no new spreadsheet download needed.
To correct the price if it affected you, please choose whichever method you find the most convenient (See below).

Please SAVE your sheet before trying either method.

Method 1 (manual fix, best if you have just a few and know the correct price):  Simply click in the affected cell and type in the new corrected price.

Method 2 (semi-automated, best if you don't know the correct price):  Delete the affected prices by clicking the cell and hitting the delete key.  Then set the number of days back to cover that time period on the Account Info tab (back to the affected sale) and then re-run the sold query.  NOTE:  MyCostPro will update any cells that are blank from previous sales, but it will not update cells that are currently filled in (this is by design).

Thank you to the users that alerted us, sorry for the trouble, and please contact me here or at if you have any further trouble.

Fees go up, see graphic for two examples of the real life impact.

What do you think of the changes?

Print this out to take with you bargain hunting.  Find the intersection of the purchase price and the estimated shipping cost... and that is the price you need to sell it for to break-even (make zero dollars).

Hello everybody,
We have made a few updates, and unfortunately this time the new file is mandatory (the old version will be missing data if it is used after this point).
So please head over to the download page and get the new version (live as of   visit   with your download key

Don't forget to use the automated transfer to keep your old data when you get your new version, go to the account info tab and follow the steps after download.

New version is available as of the time of this post (1/29/2017): 
In this update:

 * Fixed issues with multi-item combined checkout
 ** Note: Multi-item checkout will create one blank sales record, this is by design of eBay as they assign a blank sales record to group the combined checkout
 * Added active hyperlink to view eBay listings by clicking the Item Description in the Sold List, Active List, and Unsold List
 * Sold list is now returning Cancelled and Refunded transactions
 * Customer Master now sorting properly

And don't forget to check out our Affiliate Program!
 * Earn up to $6 per referral - see link for details -

MyCostPro Updates and Version History / Current issue on Active Item list
« on: January 22, 2017, 09:57:08 pm »

Sorry everyone, there is currently a pop up message "...url..." on the active item update.
It will pop up once per active item that you have listed, so if you have a lot of items listed please dont run the update right now.
This is an inadvertent result of testing for future updates, so please forgive the hiccup.
This will be resolved ASAP!

Current Events / 2017 USPS Postal rate increase
« on: January 22, 2017, 08:13:47 am »
As you may know, today the USPS postal rate increase takes effect...  here are a few links that display the various changes.
What do you guys think?  I guess its inevitable...

Not everyone knows, but there is a separate fee structure for PayPal for "micro transactions".
These fees follow a different rate than the normal rate at:  5% plus $0.05   compared to the standard rate of   2.9% plus $0.30.

What does this mean?
This means that smaller transactions dont have to pay such a large flat rate fee.  Imagine taking in a $0.50 payment when your flat rate fee is $0.30... thats a 60% fee just on the flat rate!

Whats the practical application?
Practically speaking, it means you can pay less fees for any payment received that is less than ~$12

Show me the numbers!
As you can see anything under $11.51 you will pay less fees if you setup a micro transaction account.  The catch is; you can only pick one fee structure per account, so you need to manage two accounts to take advantage of this.  But would you leave money laying on the street??

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