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Topics - Scott

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We are pleased to announce, that effective immediately, eBay Managed Payments will be available with the rest of your data and seamlessly integrated into the "Paypal Fee" column.
For PayPal users that have not yet made the switch, rest assured this will in no way affect your data, it will continue as always getting the Paypal fees.

As this update was made to our servers, users will not need to download a new MyCostPro file
Note: Future downloads will see the "Paypal Fee" column header renamed to "Payment Fee" to more accurately describe it's contents.

If you would like to get missing Managed Payment data for up to the past 90 days simply follow the steps outlined below.
Please save first if you are not familiar with using excel, and if you need help don't hesitate to contact me at

Note:  By design, MyCostPro will not overwrite values that are already in the Sold Item tab.  This includes "0".

Step 1 (Delete the zeros currently if there are any in the paypal fee section from when you started Managed Payments)
  -Starting with the first sold item's paypal fee, (which you can tell because it will be "0")
  -Left click and drag to select all of the fees which have "0"
  -Hit the Del (delete) key on the keyboard  -OR- Right click and select "Clear Contents"  (Do not select "Delete..." from the list!)

Step 2 (Update your previous sales to get the Managed Payment Fees)
  -On the Account Info tab change the number of days to go back far enough for these sales.
  -Click the "Apply Duration" button
  -Re run your Sold Item download

Frequently Asked Questions / Useful links for MyCostPro
« on: September 17, 2019, 04:02:18 pm »
Purchase (sign up):

Change subscription (add/remove accounts, powerseller speed upgrade, etc)

Free 2 week trial of Powerseller speed upgrade (automatically reverts back, does not change your billing)

Cancel subscription (sorry to see you go!)

Check eBay token status / renew eBay token

Retrieve your download key to your PayPal email address

Contact us

Direct support email

Download MyCostPro file (get the latest version, you can download at anytime while subscribed)

Check the MyCostPro server status


Changes to the newest version of the eBay API have resulted in their key ID field (the value we use to distinguish each transaction as unique) to change formats.  For the most part this will be transparent to you except in the specific following situation:

1. If you have sold a combined checkout item (non combined checkout items are not affected) that you have already downloaded to your MyCostPro file prior to 9/15/19 (now)
2. If you reset your download duration and download that time period again
If you do 1 and 2, the combined checkout items will create duplicate entries because their unique ID has changed, so MyCostPro will think it is a new unique sale.

This will not be an issue going forward, only if you are re-downloading a previous combined checkout sale that was downloaded prior to today.  Re-downloading future combined checkout sales will have no issue.

In the mean time, if you have a duplicated sale:
1. Click the FULL SCREEN button to display the row numbering.
2. Right click on the row numbers that you want to delete (delete the older entry to prevent it from duplicating again) and select Delete from the list.
If this is not clear to you feel free to contact me for support -

Current Events / eBay Managed Payments Program (Adyen)
« on: January 02, 2019, 06:59:15 pm »
Please be aware that eBay does not currently provide payment processing fee data through their APIs for the new eBay Managed Payments Program (Adyen).
Memebers that opt into this program will continue to get all of the standard MyCostPro data with the exception of payment processing fees.
Please consider this before opting into their early access.
We have reached out to eBay to work with them through this transition as quickly as possible.

Technical Support / MyCostPro temporary issue 9/21 (RESOLVED)
« on: September 21, 2018, 05:32:38 pm »
We are experiencing an issue where longer duration calls are not returning.  We are working to resolve the issue currently, this message will be updated when it is resolved.  ETA : ASAP!

If this issue affects you, you will receive a "no new items have been sold" message.  When the issue is resolved you will be able to download these sales with no negative impact.

**This issue has been RESOLVED, thank you!  **

Technical Support / Temporary server outage 9/17 (resolved)
« on: September 17, 2018, 04:24:50 pm »
Some users experienced issues attempting to download the sheet, check active and sold items, etc.
This was due to our server being down temporarily, everything is back up and running now.

Sorry for the trouble, thank you for your patience everyone.


 * Added setting to change link between Sold Items and Product master, user can now choose between:
    - Item Title (Matches by the exact item title used in the listing)
    - SKU (Matches by the SKU).  Reminder, you can mass update your SKUs of your current listings using the Active Listing tab.
 * Fixed bug that would cause the dashboard widgets to not populate if using non-USA standard Windows system date format (other than mm-dd-yyyy).
    - Settings no longer need to be changed to display properly on dashboard.

Download the new version here:

Don't forget to try the free powerseller speed boost, all you need to do is paste your download key in... link is here:

MyCostPro Updates and Version History / MyCostPro - Amazon Sellers
« on: April 25, 2018, 08:42:54 pm »
We are in early development for an Amazon version of MyCostPro. If anyone is willing to give us developer access to their "Professional" Amazon seller account (for testing) we would be grateful and it will help us to implement the new service more quickly!

you are interested, all you would need to do is follow a link on Amazon and paste in our Amazon Developer ID (which we would provide)

Note: The "professional" seller account is the one that Amazon charges $39.99/month for.

Reply here, or email me if you are willing and able to help!

MyCostPro Updates and Version History / MyCostPro - Now faster!
« on: April 15, 2018, 07:23:02 pm »
Thanks for being patient during the last few weeks when we needed to make server updates.  We have now completed the changes and we are excited to make the following announcements:

- MyCostPro is now 300% faster than before!  This comes as a free upgrade to everybody!  You may have noticed the new speed already, the change has been rolled out and does not require a new version of MyCostPro for download.

- MyCostPro 'Power Seller' upgrade is now available which is 1800% faster than before!  If you are interested in upgrading, please visit our website -->

Try the new 1800% Power Seller speed for FREE with your existing download key -->

Let us know if you have any questions!  Thanks again.

Technical Support / Potential "no items sold" (in error) 2/20 ~ 2/21
« on: February 21, 2018, 06:05:44 pm »
We were very recently experiencing an issue with the connection to ebay where it would reply back that no items had sold.

The issue is now RESOLVED!

If this happened to you yesterday or today, you can now download the sales, just change the number of days on the account info tab to cover any missing sales and re run your sold item query.

Sorry for the trouble if this affected you, as always please contact me if you have any trouble.


 * Multiple eBay Accounts now supported in MyCostPro!
    - Update multiple accounts to a single sheet.  Sort to separate by store, or sort to combine each store sorted by date
    - Interested customers: check out our multiple (up to 3) eBay account discounted prices we now have available
 * All columns in Sold Item, Active Item, Unsold Item, and Product Master tabs are now fully sortable
    - Just click any cell in any column that you want to sort, and click the up or down sorting buttons at the top of the screen
 * UTC Timezone offset (adjust eBay's standard time to your local time zone)
    - On the Account Info tab, you can now put in your UTC timezone offset hours to adjust eBay's standard timezone to match your own timezone
 * You can now update your Active Listing's SKU information in BULK in the active listing tab (not just item quantity and price anymore!).
    - Update up to 1,000 SKUs at a time (either adding SKUs or changing them) to your active listings on eBay from the Active Listing tab.

To download the update just put your userID and download key in at:

Post here if you have any questions about the update!


MyCostPro has a minor bug patch, it is optional to update.

In the Performance Snapshot tab, it would not allow the user to narrow down the query result by the Inventory Source.  This has been resolved.

The new file is available now at:

We have new feature update, the new file is available as of the time of this post (12/31/2017):
In this update:

 * Added new Performance Snapshot and Snapshot list screens.  These allow you to add filters to break down your sales by date ranges, keywords, SKU, buyer's State
    - Once the data is filtered it automatically populates data-graphics to show off the status of your sales for that period of time.
    - Automatically generates data-graphics are populated for your highest profit, and highest ROI% items.  Copy these to the clipboard with a single button click to easily show off to your peers on Social Media!
    - Useful to summarize the total sales for particular states (which is information that you will need at tax time)
 * Added setting to the Account Information tab that will allow you to choose between Oldest to newest, or Newest to oldest on the sold item tab.

Download the update now at -->

We have a NEW YEAR'S PROMOTION to go with the update!
For the entire month of January 2018 we are offering to refund anybody's monthly fee ($5.99 value) that uses the new feature to share content on Social Media!  The details are below:
1. Use one or more of the graphics from the new Performance Snapshot screen and share it to any Social Media site to the applicable category.
  - Example, on Facebook, share it to any one of the reseller, or ebay Facebook groups
2. Type a short post about one of the following:
  - Your New Year's goals as an eBay seller
  - Details or insight about the sale the picture is based on
  - A description of Mycostpro in your own words if you think other sellers might find it useful
Note:  You can include your affiliate coupon code if you are an affiliate member, or "14FREE" if you want them to try the free trial.

3. Include a hyperlink to or (even better) set the image to be a clickable hyperlink to
4. Email a link where we can find the post to - subject: 2018 NEW YEAR PROMOTION ENTRY, so that I can process your $5.99 refund.
  - Include your download key in the email so I can easily identify you.
Note:  Annual payment subscribers will receive 1/12th of their annual payment as a refund ($5)

Post here or email me if you have any questions!  Thanks!

Email deadline: Midnight (central time) January 31, 2018

Minor update with bug fix is available as of the time of this post (8/14/2017):
In this update:

 * In certain rare scenarios, combined checkout items could potentially show up twice in sold list.  [resolved]
 * In certain rare scenarios related to combined checkout, sales could be missing from the download.  [resolved]
 * Changed numbering scheme for sales record number for combined checkout
 * Changed naming scheme for Item/Transaction ID (Unique) for combined checkout items

Once again, don't forget to check out our Affiliate Program!
 * Earn up to $6 per referral - see link for details -

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