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Messages - Hunter

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: eBay Categories for Sold Items
« on: December 03, 2022, 11:03:35 pm »
Item category and sub-category information should now be populating.  It appears that most listings do not have a secondary category, so don't be surprised if that column is rarely populated.

General Discussion / Re: Questions about Service
« on: October 20, 2021, 09:30:00 pm »
You may think there have been no updates in over a year, but we are continually updating our back-end sever to continue to provide the sheet with the data our customers have come to expect.  eBay constantly changes their APIs, and we work to stay on top of the changes to keep MCP working for all our subscribers without the need to download new versions of the spreadsheet.  We pushed an update just yesterday, for example. Also, we are here to listen if you have feature requests and have implemented quite a few over the years from forum suggestions.

Technical Support / Re: Missing amount in reports Jim
« on: January 27, 2021, 06:32:16 pm »
The expense items should show up in the p&l reports by default.  If you email your file to, Scott can figure out what's wrong and get things looking right for you.

Technical Support / Re: request reply for my email
« on: January 04, 2021, 09:16:49 pm »
I don't have access to the email tonight, but Scott should be able to answer sometime in the morning.  He has been under the weather today and likely missed a couple emails.  If your issue has to do with showing/hiding columns in the sold items page, simply press the "Click Layout Assist" button so it toggles on.  Click the arrows above each section divider to see all of the possible columns to show.  Remove the "h" above any columns you want to show by default and add an "h" above any column you don't want to be displayed.  I hope this helps, if not, Scott should be available soon to help.

Feature Requests / Re: Full eBay Start Date
« on: November 19, 2020, 07:34:31 pm »
I guess we didn't think it would ever be necessary to see a time of day with the listing date.  I just made an update to the server code to pass that information to the spreadsheet.  You will have to change the cell formatting from its default setting, but there should now be a time there along with the date.  If you want this information for data already in the sheet, you will need to delete the current date in that column for those items and reset your download duration in the settings section of the sheet far back enough to re-download those sales on your next sold list download.  Once downloaded, the new date including time of day should populate.  Thank you for the suggestion, and we hope you are finding MyCostPro useful!

You should be able to go into the sheet settings and manually set the eBay call duration. It defaults to just get all sales information from your previous download, but if you back it up a day or two (to whenever the item originally sold), the item will be re-downloaded with the shipping information included. See #3 on the faq for the how-to and an animated gif.  Feel free to let us know if you need more help!

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Replacing PC
« on: December 31, 2019, 11:20:15 am »
If you want to continue using the same spreadsheet, just copy it to a thumb drive or CD, and place it on the new PC after you have installed Excel. If you want a new version of the sheet, the instructions to transfer the data to the new sheet are on the account info tab in MyCostPro. 

If you want your boss to use your token, you can just let him use the sheet. If you want him to be able to see your current data without being able to connect to eBay, you can remove your download key from the account info section of MyCostPro, and save as a different file. If you give him this new file, it should contain all of your data, but he will not be able to retrieve more or update your listings.

General Discussion / Re: column headers
« on: October 12, 2019, 06:13:17 pm »
The current version of MyCostPro calls it "Paypal fee."  We are about to update it to read "Payment Processing Fee" or something to make it more generic. If you have opted into eBay's new manages payments program, it's their Adyen processing fee. For everyone else, it's the fee paid to PayPal for payment processing. Upgrade fee is the promoted listing fee, and various listing upgrades such as bold text, picture pack, etc.  Hope this helps!

edit (scott): added a few more examples of Upgrade Fees

Technical Support / Re: token failure
« on: October 02, 2019, 05:55:21 pm »
Glad to help. You may have to renew your token this way again in 18 months, but you should be good for that long at least.

Technical Support / Re: token failure
« on: September 30, 2019, 04:40:46 pm »
There is likely a certificate chain issue with eBay's authentication page that is causing issues in older versions of MyCostPro.  You can check your eBay token status and re-authenticate at any time from our token status page.  Go here:
You will just need your download key.

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Downloading sales prior to 90 days
« on: May 27, 2019, 08:12:43 am »
Thank you for the compliment! Unfortunately, eBay limits sales data retrieval through their API to 90 days in the past, so we have no way to provide you with that data in an automated fashion.  On the bright side, once your data is downloaded or manually entered and saved in MyCostPro, it will reside there as long as you want, and you will eventually get to see some cool charts and reports for month/month year/year data.  I hope my answer is sufficient, and we hope to see you as an active customer for years to come!

Feature Requests / Re: Default to Full Screen
« on: April 30, 2019, 10:44:49 pm »
I like the idea...

Technical Support / Re: Missing a certain item from sold item list
« on: March 19, 2019, 09:24:16 pm »
Sorry to hear you are having a similar problem.  Take a look at #3 on our FAQ. It tells you how to do a 90 day call. There is also a little animated gif at the bottom that will illustrate it all for you.

Technical Support / Re: Product Master is not updating Sold Items
« on: February 15, 2019, 08:44:18 am »
Sorry to see you are having issues. Are you trying to match items by SKU or title?

General Discussion / Re: Product Master
« on: August 03, 2018, 02:01:14 pm »
The update is still pending. We haven't forgotten about it...we are just working through some issues related to the change. Stay tuned...

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