Author Topic: Returns / Refunds  (Read 14052 times)


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Returns / Refunds
« on: February 25, 2023, 07:32:04 am »
The last messages I see on the forum about returns and refunds are posted in the 2017-2019 time frame.  There is no longer a layout assist button that I can see.

I had an item returned through eBay and I accepted the return, however it has not been picked up by mycostpro.  What setting am I missing? What should I be doing differently? Will George get back together with Martha? These are all questions we want to know.


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Re: Returns / Refunds
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2023, 05:43:21 pm »
The "click layout assist" button was replaced with the improved and simplified "Hide 'h' Columns" button which toggles all of the columns with an 'h' label between hidden and unhidden.
Here is an overview video linked to the timestamp where that is discussed:

If you download a sale before the refund is issued, you can add the refund information by resetting the download duration.
On the account info / settings tab, change the number of days to go back far enough for that sale (up to 90 days), click the 'reset duration' button, and then redownload your sales.

Let me know if you still have any trouble.