Author Topic: Happy New Year 2023!  (Read 18725 times)


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Happy New Year 2023!
« on: December 31, 2022, 02:28:28 pm »
All -
Just to give you a heads up we are about to roll out a pretty big update to the MyCostPro file.
Normally we try to make all of our changes behind the scenes (server-side) but this update adds several new features and improvements to the existing file, so it will require a download to see the new stuff.
I will make a detailed update post as soon as the file is available, HOPEFULLY it will be finalized by New Year's Day, but it is possible it could be pushed back a day or so (I will explain more in the update post when I make it)

I just wanted to give you a heads-up incase you are about to start working on the new year's data, you might want to wait a day or so.

I hope everyone had a successful 2022!


UPDATE:  This will be released SOON, but not tonight, I apologize for the delay.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2023, 06:13:05 pm by Scott »