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Topics - SGARBER

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Technical Support / API providing correct postage costs?
« on: January 23, 2024, 10:28:36 am »
Did you wave a magic wand?  If so, thanks much!

We were previously receiving postage costs for only a few of our sales each month.  Today, I pulled the "sold items" for January (so far), and the correct postage is being passed along.  Super.

Technical Support / Formatting in new version
« on: February 01, 2023, 08:48:31 am »
I recently downloaded the new version of MyCostPro.  I have encountered an issue.  It appears that column I is now formatted as a link and I think that is causing an issue with the formula in column CM.  Column is now showing as "#Value!"  Does this make sense?  Let me know what else I can check and/or send to you.

Thanks much,


Technical Support / Current instructions for update?
« on: January 25, 2023, 09:55:57 am »
Sorry to bother you with this question, but it has been a long time since I did an update/upgrade.  Can you point me to the instructions for doing this?


Technical Support / Shipping Insurance
« on: December 02, 2021, 08:28:48 am »
I recently had several items for which I purchased the shipping insurance through eBay.  Does MyCostPro pickup those amounts through the API or does eBay hide that information from you as well?   I have not found ANY eBay record of the insurance fee paid (even in the order details).  I really have no way to track it, other than recording it manually at shipping time.  I hope i am missing something here.  Any thoughts?  Thanks much.

Technical Support / Upgrade fees not being retrieved from eBay
« on: June 02, 2021, 10:45:20 am »
I am not certain, but I suspect eBay changed the way they disclose....or possibly they no longer disclose at all....the fees they charge for promoted listings (upgrade fees).  If so, it may account for why mycostpro can no longer pull the API info for upgrade fees.  Have you had any other reports of this?  Or, perhaps your other users do not use that feature on eBay listings. 

In March, that info was pulled for a number of my sales items; but in April and May that is missing.  And, I am no longer able to find those fee amounts within eBay's site.  Frustrating when I just need to "trust them" instead of "trusting and verifying."  I just wondered if you have any other hints as to why this info seems to be unavailable.  Thanks much.

Technical Support / Info on one sold item not retrieved correctly
« on: April 01, 2021, 08:33:29 am »
Support folks,

I had one item that sold, but only some of the normally retrieved information was retrieved from eBay.  Please let me know what information you need to check on this for me.


Technical Support / Two items purchased on same order
« on: January 23, 2021, 03:26:57 pm »
I had an order that contained 2 different listings.  As usual, I purchased the shipping labels through eBay.  However, MyCostPro returned a shipping cost of $0.  I am sending you a screen shot that provides the order # and the listing numbers.  Any clues why this happened? 



General Discussion / Ebay changes coming in July
« on: May 14, 2020, 03:39:57 pm »
I know that Ebay is taking over responsibility for the "money-handling" beginning in late July.  I am curious to know if the MyCostPro tool will be effected by these changes.


Technical Support / API Exception message encountered
« on: May 14, 2020, 01:26:44 pm »
I get an "apiexception" message when I am uploading (to Ebay) a new SKU number for a listing.  Specifically, the message is as follows:
'ApiException:  StartPrice or Quantity must be provided for the item "xxxxxxxxxxxx"'.  Is this a known problem?  I was looking to see if it was in the list of tech support forum notes, but I did not see it there.


I have found your spreadsheet to be the most productive tool I have for the eBay portion of my job.  I have evaluated and tried other products, but I find yours to be the most practical for my needs.  First, if you ever consider expanding your "active items" columns, and if they are available in the API, the # of views and the # of watchers would be helpful for me.  I could take those numbers and compare them over time in making decisions on pricing an item or pulling items altogether. 

Also, I have been searching for a product that allows me to more easily maintain some other listing fields.  Specifically, the "best offer fields" would be very helpful for me.  For example, if I could more easily maintain the field "Automatically accept offers of at least" field for some listings, that would be a great time-saver for me. I appreciate your consideration, but I realize you need to prioritize your efforts to meet the needs of the most customers.  I understand the word "no", and I like to think I do not walk away with an attitude when I hear it.  Again, thanks for your help with many other requests.

Feature Requests / Additional information and feature
« on: May 12, 2020, 03:38:31 pm »
First, let me thank you for the effort you made to help me with some past requests.  For example, some time ago, I had requested you add "Listing Start Date" to the MyCostPro spreadsheet.  The problem with giving your audience (pesty folks like me) what they want is that they keep coming back begging for more.  That is what I am doing now. 

Because you did such a great job adding that to the "SoldList", I am wondering if you could add that column to the "ActiveList"?  My reason is that I really care most about knowing when an active item was listed, rather than when a sold item was listed.  I want to make decisions about repricing items, which is really not an issue with sold items. 

My next request is this:  Because I do not know what data elements are available in the Ebay API you are using, I don't know if a "Date Last Price Change" field is available for each active listing.  If it is, could that column be added to the "ActiveList"?  If so, that would be very helpful. 

Feature Request:  I would like to use the "New BIN Price" column in a way you likely never intended.  I would like to calculate new pricing (or paste some new prices) in bulk rather than one listing at a time, however that column does not seem to allow calculations or pasting.  An example of what I would like to do is to drop all prices by 5%.  If I could enter a formula into that cell, that would be possible. 

Hoping my explanations above make sense, and it is possible someone else has already requested this functionality, but I wanted to ask. 

Thanks for your help.


Frequently Asked Questions / Replacing PC
« on: December 31, 2019, 07:28:15 am »
I am going to be replacing my desktop pc here in the office.  I am not sure of the process to get MYCOSTPRO security token moved to the new unit.  Additionally, is there a way that my boss can access the spreadsheet as well as me?

Technical Support / Shipping costs in sold item list
« on: November 25, 2019, 09:30:10 am »
Question:  When I sell an item that requires multiple shipping boxes, MyCostPro seems to only pick up the shipping for the LAST box.  I can give an example if necessary.  Thanks for clarifying. 

Feature Requests / Include the "listing start date" on the "SoldList"
« on: November 08, 2019, 10:12:12 am »
If you include the "start date" for the listing, I could calculate how long it took to sell the item.....helpful to determine the types of items that sell quickly vs those that take a while.  Thanks.

Feature Requests / Suggestions for download into ActiveList
« on: June 14, 2019, 09:40:41 am »
For future enhancements, there are a few "ActiveList" columns that would be helpful to me.  First, a column in the "Shipping" section for the item's "Length/width/height" as well as a column for the weight of the item.  This would be nice to have when reviewing the currently listings and comparing them to the shipping boxes and/or envelopes I need to keep on hand.  Ebay forces me to inquire on each listing to review that info.  Then, also in the shipping section, I noticed that there is already some information about the shipping options selected.  However, I think it would be helpful to just indicate "free shipping", if that has been chosen.  I see that it already indicates a zero amount in the "Shipping option 1 Cost" column, but only if the "Flat: Same cost to all buyers" option on ebay was selected.  Basic repricing of items would be made much easier with this information, and would allow me to more quickly evaluate pricing changes without inquiring on individual listings in eBay.  The spreadsheet format is so much nicer than the eBay interface when it comes to providing a shapshot of a entire listing.  I am not sure if any of this information would be helpful to anyone else, and none of it is critical to me....just would be nice.  Thanks for listening.

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