I sold an item through eBay's Global Shipping Program. The seller paid $219.23 for shipping through the GPS program, but the amount you receive is always way lower than what GPS charges the customer. In my case, I was given about ~$40.00 to ship the item (to Kentucky).
I believe for the accounting to be correct, it the "Shipping" tab should show the $40 amount and not the $219.23 amount, because that isn't actual income that an eBay seller receives; that's what eBay receives.
To make this example clear:
I sold a chair for $400 to another country through GPS. I was given a credit for ~$40.00 to ship to Kentucky (where eBay takes control of the item and ships it Internationally). The buyer paid $400 + $219.23 for the chair, minus my fees, the spreadsheet thinks that my revenue for this chair was $600+. In actuality, the total revenue should be a lot closer to $400+$40, since the $40 is what I actually receive as a shipping credit through GPS.
Hopefully I worded that in a way that is understandable. I am not sure if I have my spreadsheet setup wrong, if I need to manually change GPS sales in the excel sheet, or if this is something that can be changed in future versions.
Thanks in advance for any help!