Author Topic: Expanding columns and Maintenance fields for Active Items  (Read 22681 times)


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Expanding columns and Maintenance fields for Active Items
« on: May 13, 2020, 07:44:00 am »
I have found your spreadsheet to be the most productive tool I have for the eBay portion of my job.  I have evaluated and tried other products, but I find yours to be the most practical for my needs.  First, if you ever consider expanding your "active items" columns, and if they are available in the API, the # of views and the # of watchers would be helpful for me.  I could take those numbers and compare them over time in making decisions on pricing an item or pulling items altogether. 

Also, I have been searching for a product that allows me to more easily maintain some other listing fields.  Specifically, the "best offer fields" would be very helpful for me.  For example, if I could more easily maintain the field "Automatically accept offers of at least" field for some listings, that would be a great time-saver for me. I appreciate your consideration, but I realize you need to prioritize your efforts to meet the needs of the most customers.  I understand the word "no", and I like to think I do not walk away with an attitude when I hear it.  Again, thanks for your help with many other requests.


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Re: Expanding columns and Maintenance fields for Active Items
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2020, 07:17:09 pm »
I will have to take another peek, but I dont remember there being that much detail when we set this up a few years ago.
I will check it out when we're working on our next update, but there may not be anything available to add that you would find useful.


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Re: Expanding columns and Maintenance fields for Active Items
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2020, 09:07:04 pm »
Great.  Thanks Scott.  I can send you any screen shots if you need them (from the "Create a new listing" dialogue).