We are a high volume ebay seller. I opened the spreadsheet tonight to download our sales for the last 4 days which should be somewhere between 200-300. As I opened the spreadsheet, it tells me my token is invalid (It did this a month ago and I was able to revalidate and continue downloading my sales). I went through the process again, it said that the token was good to go, yet is telling me I have no new sales to download. I went in, put "90" in the duration field under account settings and clicked the update button. A window popped up that says all sales for the last 90 days will be downloaded. I go to download sales, and "No new sales." I should have 200-300. I need help asap or our sales will get to be too high for this program to download, and we do not have the means to go back 4 dfays and manually capture the info for each individual sale now.... I sent an email to support, but the last time I did this, I never got a response.