Hi. Great suggestions! Please check to make sure you have the latest version, because they are already in place

There is a hyperlinked tracking number, but keep in mind, the shipping needs to have been purchased through the eBay shipping label service; this is not a bad thing because they offer a significant discount over purchasing shipping directly through USPS and FedEx.
If you dont see this information, it may be hidden, please check out this tutorial video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jBAjI1O6Q8 that shows how to hide and unhide data (you can skip to the ~3:40 mark)
Also in the latest version the columns were separated into address, city, state... where they used to be all in one cell. The sales tax collected is there, but it also is probably hidden if you dont see it. See above about how to hide and unhide columns from view.
I hope this helps, please let me know if you need further assistance.