Author Topic: I Love My Cost Pro!  (Read 22616 times)


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I Love My Cost Pro!
« on: January 15, 2017, 07:52:51 pm »
Let me first say that I'm not a newb to Excel spreadsheets, but I've never seen something so complex but also easy-to-use at the same time.  I have found over the years as my time as an eBay seller, that other spreadsheets that people created tended to have some of the features that I wanted, but not all.  So I ended up creating a mashup of other people's spreadsheet ideas.  I also ended up creating a separate spreadsheet to track other expenses that were not tallied on that profit spreadsheet and of course I had to create my own reports.  I found this cumbersome to keep up with, especially as I scaled up my business.  But MCP has saved my life.  I'm in love with this macro-enabled spreadsheet.  It has a beautiful interface, easy navigation, and literally all of the features that I wanted and more.  It gets rid of the need to use the 2 separate spreadsheets that I used to use and it creates all of my reports for me...and there is a nice "print" button there too so you don't have to worry about the formatting of your reports.  This is great for tax time.  I highly recommend this spreadsheet...every eBay seller and dropshipper needs to have this tool in their arsenal!...Support is fast, friendly and courteous! Great job guys...I really appreciate the thoughtfulness of this spreadsheet!