Hi, good question. Yes you can search using the standard excel search function (hit ctrl-F to open the menu).
If it did not find what you were searching for allow me to go into a little detail about how excels standard search function works.
By default Excel will only search the region of cells that you have highlighted, so if you highlight 2 or more cells, the search will only search that region.
To search all cells, just make sure only a single cell is selected.
If you are still having trouble, try the options when ctrl-F menu pops up: uncheck the "Match Case" and "Match Entire Cell Contents", and try to shorten your search to just a shorter portion of the entire string or a keyword from the string. This will resolve the issue if there are extra hidden characters interfering with the search. (Ex. If there is an extra space between two words, and the way you are searching only has one space)
I hope that helps!