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Messages - Scott

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Hello everybody,
We have made a few updates, and unfortunately this time the new file is mandatory (the old version will be missing data if it is used after this point).
So please head over to the download page and get the new version (live as of   visit   with your download key

Don't forget to use the automated transfer to keep your old data when you get your new version, go to the account info tab and follow the steps after download.

New version is available as of the time of this post (1/29/2017): 
In this update:

 * Fixed issues with multi-item combined checkout
 ** Note: Multi-item checkout will create one blank sales record, this is by design of eBay as they assign a blank sales record to group the combined checkout
 * Added active hyperlink to view eBay listings by clicking the Item Description in the Sold List, Active List, and Unsold List
 * Sold list is now returning Cancelled and Refunded transactions
 * Customer Master now sorting properly

And don't forget to check out our Affiliate Program!
 * Earn up to $6 per referral - see link for details -

General Discussion / Re: Returns/Refunds
« on: January 28, 2017, 08:45:17 am »
The refund column is hidden within the Expenses section.
You can expand it by clicking the "Click Layout Assist:" button so it indicates "ON".
Then you click the double triangle above the Expense category bookmark, and it will show all of the hidden columns.
To keep any of these columns as unhidden you can delete the "h" at the top of the column.  When you are ready to rehide the columns again, you click the double triangle again, and then turn OFF the click layout assist button.

I hope that helps.

MyCostPro Updates and Version History / Current issue on Active Item list
« on: January 22, 2017, 09:57:08 pm »

Sorry everyone, there is currently a pop up message "...url..." on the active item update.
It will pop up once per active item that you have listed, so if you have a lot of items listed please dont run the update right now.
This is an inadvertent result of testing for future updates, so please forgive the hiccup.
This will be resolved ASAP!

Technical Support / Re: Custom Labels
« on: January 22, 2017, 06:19:41 pm »
I am currently working on short focused tutorials, but for the moment you can see how to do it in the video tutorials that are on youtube:

Current Events / 2017 USPS Postal rate increase
« on: January 22, 2017, 08:13:47 am »
As you may know, today the USPS postal rate increase takes effect...  here are a few links that display the various changes.
What do you guys think?  I guess its inevitable...

Not everyone knows, but there is a separate fee structure for PayPal for "micro transactions".
These fees follow a different rate than the normal rate at:  5% plus $0.05   compared to the standard rate of   2.9% plus $0.30.

What does this mean?
This means that smaller transactions dont have to pay such a large flat rate fee.  Imagine taking in a $0.50 payment when your flat rate fee is $0.30... thats a 60% fee just on the flat rate!

Whats the practical application?
Practically speaking, it means you can pay less fees for any payment received that is less than ~$12

Show me the numbers!
As you can see anything under $11.51 you will pay less fees if you setup a micro transaction account.  The catch is; you can only pick one fee structure per account, so you need to manage two accounts to take advantage of this.  But would you leave money laying on the street??

Technical Support / Re: Upgrade notes?
« on: January 17, 2017, 05:50:22 am »
Thats a good idea, ill move them to their own category

thanks everyone :)

Technical Support / Re: sold listings didnt transfer to mycostpro
« on: January 16, 2017, 11:22:14 am »
In the more recent versions of the sheet we changed the default query to 7 days.  But dont worry, you can still go back 90 days.
Just go to the account info tab and change the number of days to 90, and click the button.
Then the next time you run the sold list update it will grab everything from the last 90 days.  It doesnt matter if you already ran it for 7, it will update the rest and put it all in the correct order.
Then after that, every time you run the update it will get the data from the timeframe since the last time you updated it, so you wont need to mess with that account info section again if you dont want.

Feature Requests / Re: One button to change the $ to pound sign
« on: January 16, 2017, 11:18:00 am »
Actually I just answered a similar question earlier today!  Changing the default currency is very high on our list of to-do items. 


Feature Requests / Re: After update, keep the hidden and unhidden status
« on: January 16, 2017, 11:15:25 am »
Good question.  I will add it to our list of improvements to try to get implemented.  Currently only the data (below the headers) is getting transferred, so it doesnt include your hidden/unhidden column settings.

Thanks for the feedback!

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Does MyCostPro Support UK users?
« on: January 16, 2017, 09:07:24 am »
The sheet works fine for eBay UK, but they may need to get a custom file from us to convert the default currency type.  It is one of the many planned updates to allow users to change their own default currency type, were trying to focus on the the largest requests first and work our way down.

Technical Support / Re: Column Names Change After Update
« on: January 16, 2017, 09:03:24 am »
Thats a good point, I didnt think about transferring over the header names as well...
In the mean-time, if you want to quickly update the whole thing:
Save first incase there is any problem.
Turn off Click Layout Assist
Exit full screen mode
In the OLD sold list Right click on the row number 10 so it selects the whole row, and pick Copy
Go to the NEW sold list and right click on row number 10 and pick paste.

Let me know if that doesnt do the trick for you!


New version is available as of the time of this post (1/15/2017):  visit   with your download key
In this update:

 * Enabled relisting of unsold items
 * Changed (improved) the method of tying listing insertion fees and upgrade fees to the sold item and unsold item records.  (Should capture all, and will not duplicate)
 ** May need to update sheet from brand new blank sheet to take effect.
 *** Does not impact sellers that have 100% free insertions with no extra insertion upgrade fees.
 * Fixed the P&L overhead expense categories not updating to match customized user-setup categories

MyCostPro Affiliate Program
 * Announcing the MyCostPro Affiliate Program!
 * Earn up to $6 per referral - see link for details -

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