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Messages - Scott

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The recent back end update timing would just be a coincidence, it didnt change anything that would affect the excel file.
Im not sure of the solution as this seems to be a widespread issue with one drive... here is a link to the Microsoft forum with some discussions and possible solutions on the topic:

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Fill In Product Master Details
« on: March 25, 2024, 05:27:04 pm »
If there were sales that you had already downloaded prior to entering the matching information onto the product master tab, it will transfer it at that time (it normally transfers automatically when the sale is downloaded.)

Technical Support / Re: Formula Problem
« on: March 15, 2024, 07:01:54 pm »
It sounds like perhaps a circular reference error, im not sure how it might have gotten like that though.
If you send me a copy of your file to I would be happy to take a look.

Technical Support / Re: Active Items Gone, error message
« on: March 14, 2024, 05:27:01 pm »
Hi, Thank you for alerting us and Im sorry for not posting here sooner that this was in process of being addressed (I just noticed this post).
We have heard back from the eBay Developer Support team that this issue is resolved.  (No further information was provided)

Technical Support / Re: Runtime error 1004
« on: March 02, 2024, 08:08:20 pm »
It looks like your cat probably hit F11, which creates a new worksheet for a chart like shown.
If you hit CTRL+Page Up or CTRL+Page Down on the keyboard it will switch back to one of the normal worksheets and you can click the FULL SCREEN button to display the worksheet tabs and delete the worksheet that was made.
Or if you prefer just send me a copy to and ill take care of that for you.


Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Shipping expense
« on: January 30, 2024, 09:08:01 pm »
That is a tricky question that the eBay Developer API Documentation does not provide an answer to... Keep in mind nothing on our end changes, it is eBay that determines if they send us the information or not.  I would say, be aware that it could be a potential issue, and monitor to make sure it is populating correctly if you run into a gray area scenario like that.

Feature Requests / Re: Set when the year starts.
« on: January 29, 2024, 06:18:45 pm »
Ok, thanks for the feedback, we will add that to the list of updates for this next release.

Scott I haven't heard back from you.

I am not seeing anything, even in junk mail.
Can you try sending me an email with no attachments to see if it will come through?  Somewhere along the line your email is being rejected.

Can you send me a copy of your file to
Im not sure what is going on with your file, but I will try to get it sorted out for you.

If you sent me an email that I didnt reply to, it might have been diverted to my spam filter or something (I dont see any messages I have not replied to).
Can you try again to send it to
Let me know here if you dont see a reply back from me within a few hours.

Feature Requests / Re: Purchases Bought and Sold on Ebay
« on: January 04, 2024, 04:56:07 pm »
It might be a bit tricky to determine which item was purchased and link it with the item you are selling... Do you have any suggestion for that?
For example, if you purchase a "cast iron pan great condition", and you sell it as "Lodge 10.25 inch iron grill great condition"... or you purchase 10 different Terminator 2 DVDs between 1 and 3 dollars each, and you get them and only 8 of them are resalable etc.

General Discussion / Re: Importing Historic Sales?
« on: January 02, 2024, 05:26:05 pm »
You can enter sales manually, it is important that you add all of the required information for these sales for them to incorporate correctly with the rest of the downloaded data.
The following are the minimum fields that must be manually input for these sales:

• Item/Transaction ID (Unique) - This can be filled in with any value.
Note: This column may be hidden by default.

• Quantity - Fill in with the quantity of this item sold in this transaction.

• Sale Date - Fill in with the date of this sale.

• Month Sold - Fill in with the first day of the month that this item sold. For example if the item sold on "3/20/2022", you would fill in "3/1/2022" (without the quotes).
Note: This column may be hidden by default.

• Sale Price - Fill in with the price that the item sold for.

Happy New Year!
Congratulations on a successful year of selling, and best of luck for this new year.

In this post, I will go over a few points for the new customers that joined us last year, and then I will share our immediate plans and some future roadmap items.

To get started in 2024, please note that MyCostPro is not tied to a specific year. 
You do not need to download a new file to continue to gather your selling information.

I do recommend saving a backup file containing your 2023, just in case anything happens.  One way would be to email the file to yourself; then it will be in the cloud for you to retrieve for as long as you have that email account.

If you prefer to have a clean new file each year, that is fine too!  You can save your current file as its own file name:

-Click the black FULL SCREEN button near the top right, that will display the ribbon bar. 
-Select File->Save As... and rename the file MyCostPro2023.xlsm (or whatever you choose).

Then navigate here to get a new copy for your new year's sales:
When you first open the program:
-Input your existing (same as before) download key
-Go to the Account Info / Settings tab
-Set your UTC offset to synchronize the ebay sales to your timezone
-Change the number of days to 1, 2, etc. to go back to the beginning of the year
-Download your sales
-Check to see if any sales are included from the previous year that you don't want to include
-If there are some, click the black FULL SCREEN button so that the row numbering is displayed
-Right click the row number of the transaction from the previous year, and select delete... this method safely deletes the entire transaction.

If you have any problems, don't hesitate to post them here or email me at
I prefer questions to be asked here, so they can potentially help other users by seeing the answer.  However, you can always email me directly.

OK, now I will get into our current plans.

We have been working on an update, and when it is a bit closer to being released, I will make a new post about it.  I think everyone will like the new content.
I don't want to over-promise on it, but the intention is to streamline a few things and make data that you want to see more immediately accessible.  Let's call this the "Dashboard" update.

When the Dashboard update is close to being finished, I will send copies to the users who have expressed interest in being beta testers.

-Email me with the subject: Beta tester volunteer   if you want to be included in this or future beta tests at

After getting feedback from beta testers for a short period, we will make some final changes and then make the new version available for general download.
NOTE:  This update will require the Excel 365 app on Windows.  If you don't have 365 (which you should consider getting it because it has lots of feature improvements) don't worry - your existing MyCostPro will continue to function in the previous version of excel.

The next roadmap item after the Dashboard update is to reprogram the internal code of the MyCostPro program.  This will sort of be like an engine tune-up; it will make future improvements much quicker to implement, and it should improve the overall speed and responsiveness of the program.
In this phase (based on customer feedback), it may be possible to reintegrate the non-365 compatibility, but we need to hear from you all if that is something which is important to you.

As always, we are also continuously making updates to our servers which grants us the flexibility and adaptability to follow along with the living, ever-changing ebay API...transparent to you users!  If there are any server changes we make that we think may impact anyone, we will post it to the MOTD and the FORUM version history page.

This post is getting a bit long, so I'll wrap it up here...happy new year once again!

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: what about cancellations
« on: January 01, 2024, 08:24:39 am »
Sorry, I was just browsing through here and saw my response was cut off... 
Ebay API handles cancellations differently than returns.  Cancellations stop getting sent through the API after the cancellation, and a return keeps being sent, but with the refund information added.  So if you cancel a transaction, there is no signal to tell the program to refund the sale, you would need to either add a refund or delete that transaction row manually.  I hope that helps.

Current Events / Re: 2024 Updates
« on: December 30, 2023, 04:58:00 pm »
Hello, thanks for the question.  I will make a more detailed post about this very soon, but in the mean-time here is a quick reply.

While there is a big update coming out soon, it is important to note that MyCostPro is not a single year product.  It will continue to function year over year for as long as you choose to subscribe.
If you prefer to have your data on a clean new sheet, you can choose do that as well by simply downloading a new copy of the MyCostPro file and saving it with a different name:


We continuously make behind the scenes updates to our servers throughout the year which are constantly adjusting for ebay API changes (etc).
These changes are implemented without the need of a new spreadsheet download, and we typically only list these updates in the public change logs if they will have some impact on the users (if they need to re-download sales or something like that).

In summary:
1. We are continuously updating the software (server-side), but it is transparent to the user.
2. A "new 2024" download is not required to continue using MyCostPro.

With that being said, I am working on a big update with some features that I think everyone will find really useful, but it may not be ready right from the beginning of the year.
You can continue to use your MyCostPro file as is, or create a new one for 2024, and when the new update is ready it will have a process to automatically transfer your data over to it.
I will post here and on the MOTD when more information about the release window is available.

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