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Messages - agrasty

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Technical Support / Getting Login Error
« on: June 28, 2018, 02:46:49 am »

I'm starting my sheet over and have gotten an error that tells me to log in -- not sure what it wants me to log into. I'm logged into my eBay account, spreadsheet has my download key, and when I clicked to get my ebay token, it popped up and told me I already have one. Although I don't see it in my eBay 3rd party authorizations yet. Thanks

Feature Requests / Re: Additional Data columns
« on: February 19, 2017, 06:51:27 pm »
Yup, that's what I did as well.  I've added in (using the extra columns in the sheet) a place to put Supplier, supplier order number, etc. You can customize it however you'd like :)

Technical Support / Stopped Importing Sold Items?
« on: February 19, 2017, 06:47:46 pm »

Starting today, when I went to download my sales, it said 0 items sold, but there had been some. I tried several times and even closed out of the spreadsheet and opened again...figuring maybe I just needed to reset.  That didn't work.  So I went back to the site, downloaded the latest version again, followed the process to port in my old data to the new sheet...then tried to download my sales...the sales came in but something very weird happened.  I've probably got about 20-30 items showing the same sales record number where they didn't before...and all of the items are out of order.  The sales from today are scattered in between all of that. So I'm a bit confused as to what's going on and how to fix it.  Thanks for your help.

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Does MyCostPro Support UK users?
« on: January 16, 2017, 09:37:54 am »
Awesome thank you

Technical Support / Re: VBA Password Error When Closing the Spreadsheet
« on: January 16, 2017, 12:36:53 am »
Thanks - I actually think I messed it up lol but I'm honest and will admit that - I think it's because I made a mistake (just now) of clicking the little book in the top left corner "File" and I clicked Close there instead of clicking the X in the top right.  And now that I've done that I continue to get the that is probably how it happened the first time too. :)

Technical Support / Column Names Change After Update
« on: January 15, 2017, 08:49:41 pm »
Me again... :)

There were a few of the hidden columns where I changed the name to mean something else...example under Income - I changed Insurance to Cash Back and Other I changed to Refund from Supplier but after updating to the newest version column names revert back  -- I also had some of the Extra column names changed and they've reverted back also.  All the data is there, is there a way that if column names are changed they can stick after updating? Not a biggie though Thanks.

Technical Support / Re: VBA Password Error When Closing the Spreadsheet
« on: January 15, 2017, 08:46:10 pm »
Error no longer occurs with latest download :)

MyCostPro Reviews / Testimonials / I Love My Cost Pro!
« on: January 15, 2017, 07:52:51 pm »
Let me first say that I'm not a newb to Excel spreadsheets, but I've never seen something so complex but also easy-to-use at the same time.  I have found over the years as my time as an eBay seller, that other spreadsheets that people created tended to have some of the features that I wanted, but not all.  So I ended up creating a mashup of other people's spreadsheet ideas.  I also ended up creating a separate spreadsheet to track other expenses that were not tallied on that profit spreadsheet and of course I had to create my own reports.  I found this cumbersome to keep up with, especially as I scaled up my business.  But MCP has saved my life.  I'm in love with this macro-enabled spreadsheet.  It has a beautiful interface, easy navigation, and literally all of the features that I wanted and more.  It gets rid of the need to use the 2 separate spreadsheets that I used to use and it creates all of my reports for me...and there is a nice "print" button there too so you don't have to worry about the formatting of your reports.  This is great for tax time.  I highly recommend this spreadsheet...every eBay seller and dropshipper needs to have this tool in their arsenal!...Support is fast, friendly and courteous! Great job guys...I really appreciate the thoughtfulness of this spreadsheet!

Frequently Asked Questions / Does MyCostPro Support UK users?
« on: January 15, 2017, 07:46:45 pm »

Just wanted to ask a quick question...does this spreadsheet function for eBay UK with GBP currency also?  Thanks

Awesomesauce!! YAY new goodies :) And thanks for the affiliate signup I was just going to post a question to ask about it :)

Technical Support / Re: Multiple Item Orders
« on: January 15, 2017, 07:39:56 pm »
Awesome! Glad to pitch in where I can.  :) -- That actually happens to me a lot LOL

Technical Support / Re: VBA Password Error When Closing the Spreadsheet
« on: January 15, 2017, 12:38:07 pm »
Yea, I haven't operated the sheet in full screen mode, but yes, I was clicking the X in the top right corner -- then it prompts me to save it...I click save.  And then it closes, generates the VBA Password Prompt -- I try to cancel out of that -- Excel crashes and tries to recover each time -- lol not sure what that is

Technical Support / Re: Multiple Item Orders
« on: January 15, 2017, 12:36:26 pm »
I think I figured out what happened on this by looking at the sales spreadsheet downloaded from ebay's file exchange and crossing it with MCP.  What I noticed is that for transactions where buyer orders more than one item in a single transaction - there is an "order id" and under that order id each item has it's item number-transaction number. But when imported into MCP, the order id is pulled and picked up in scientific notation.

Also, I noticed that for some reason i had one item where on ebay's file exchange the transaction id was in scientific notation so that is the item I mentioned was missing from MCP that I added manually and it later was overridden when I downloaded more sales.  I figured that part out too...if you create manual entries you have to add the item number-transaction id which is a unique value -- i had that field hidden so I forgot to enter it (plus you don't see it unless you are looking at a file exchange document)...but once I figured that out and added it back, the entry now sticks.

So some of this problem is probably bad info coming from ebay - I'm overwhelmingly impressed with this spreadsheet - just trying to figure it all out :) Thanks again - I just wanted to update you with my findings.

Technical Support / Re: VBA Password Error When Closing the Spreadsheet
« on: January 13, 2017, 11:57:24 am »
Sure - I'm using Office 2016. Thanks

Technical Support / VBA Password Error When Closing the Spreadsheet
« on: January 12, 2017, 08:36:09 am »

I don't know if I should be receiving this or not, but when I close the spreadsheet, I receive a prompt for a MyCostPro VBA Password.  I just click Cancel on that.  But that causes Excel to Crash and attempt to recover. So I hit cancel when it tries to reopen excel (since I wanted to keep it closed).  It only happens when closing.  I have the newest version of the sheet so not sure what it could be.  Thanks :)

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