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Messages - Suavepenguin

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the follow up Scott! By late last night, functionality was restored!

Got back from a trip to Vermont, shipped all sold items, but when trying to download sold items, I get the "Sorry, no new sold items" or something similar. I have set the duration as far as 10 days back, still get the "Sorry, no new sold items" message. Anybody else having this problem?

Scott, you are the man! As usual, you saved the day for me! I knew I hit something, and you were right! Now to go delete those charts. Thanks again Scott!!

Technical Support / Any OneDrive and Excel experts out there?
« on: May 13, 2024, 12:21:02 pm »
I need help ASAP with both Excel and OneDrive. Apparently my Excel was NOT Autosaving the MyCostPro worksheets since 4/10/2024, even though it was set to do so. It looks like the local file was corrupted, and I lost all data since 4/10/2024. So, if I try to open MyCostPro from the icon on my desktop, it just does crazy stuff and locks up. I have to open Excel via the "All Apps" tab in Windows, and pick the MyCostPro worksheet saved on OneDrive, which is mostly up to date again. I need to figure out what happened and make sure my data is being saved, I can't go through this again. I'm willing to pay for your time.

At this point, I can only open MyCostPro worksheet by starting Excel through Applications in Windows, then opening the version of MyCostPro stored on Onedrive. In otherwords, trying to open the worksheet from the Desktop icon gives me this error. I really can't have this happening, Scott can you help me out here? Thanks! I have rebuilt MOST of the file data, another hour it should be mostly there (lost 34 days worth of Inventory source/purchase dates, and I have 34 days worth of sold inventory still in my product master, and all Mileage and Expense records for the last 34 days are gone).

And now, after manually restoring as much as possible, I open it up again, but I get a big screen that says "Chart Title", a bunch of colored boxes, and a message box saying "Microsoft Visual Basic" "Run-time error '1004':

Unable to set the DisplayHeadings propert of the Window Class

I need some help here.

My copy of MyCostPro freaked out this morning, I must have bumped something, it got stuck in some weird spot, I was able to get it going with data from 4/10/2024, I don't see more current versions in OneDrive. I do auto saves, I should see more recent versions. I am potentially screwed here, I don't have paper docs to rebuild this....

Thanks Scott, I suspected as much, but just wanted to bounce it off you, since the timing was odd. I'll keep working on it.

Scott, just an update. I completely unlinked my PC from One Drive overnight. When relinked, all files OK EXCEPT for the MyCostPro. This is concerning, as I have no offsite file backup.

Scott, since the first of the month or so, MyCostPro no longer can be set to Auto Update to One Drive. It keeps telling me the file already exists, to do a 'Save As" to overwrite the file. It doesn't work. All other files on my PC update to One Drive, just not MyCostPro.....any ideas?

Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Fill In Product Master Details
« on: March 25, 2024, 08:06:22 pm »
Hey Scott-

Thanks for the reply. The thing is, I always move my items to the Product Master from the Active list so I can enter my cost in. So, strange then that the one time I clicked that "Fill In Product Master Details" button, I thought that it might have actually deleted the item from the Product Master, because when I when to the Product Master sheet, the sold item was not there.....must have been one of the few times I neglected to copy a listing from the Active List to the Product Master. But wait, that can't be the case, as MyCostPro calculated my profit correctly, meaning it must have been in my Product Master. Hmmm..

Frequently Asked Questions / Fill In Product Master Details
« on: March 25, 2024, 05:32:07 am »
What does the "Fill In Product Master Details" button do in the Sold List? I have pushed it (no explosions!), but I don't see any action. Anybody know?

Technical Support / Re: Active Items Gone, error message
« on: March 14, 2024, 11:00:48 am »
Whatever the problem, it's working now. Obviously something on eBay's end!

Technical Support / Active Items Gone, error message
« on: March 13, 2024, 09:47:24 pm »
I went to download active items after listing some things, it emptied my Active Item list, says I have no Active Items, and I get this error message: Exception in eBayCall: Web Service Framework internal error. execute exception.

Help Scott!

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