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Messages - wlewis72

Pages: [1]
Another new user question. Ony he P&L reports and the performance analysis reports, there is a line item that says "PayPal Fees". I don't have anyone paying using PayPal so I was wondering what this fee is. After doing some research, it looks like it's just the $.30 fixed final value fee from eBay. Is this correct and if so, should the labels be updated? If there's a reason you can't change the label, is there any issue if I change it on my spreadsheet?

General Discussion / Re: eBay Categories for Sold Items
« on: December 05, 2022, 09:05:14 pm »
Looks good. Thank you!

General Discussion / Re: eBay Categories for Sold Items
« on: December 04, 2022, 08:01:07 am »
Thanks. I just refreshed and I can confirm the category data is coming in now. Looks like eBay is just concatenating all of the category information into the Main Category field. How about the Listing Format? Is that data available to bring in?

General Discussion / eBay Categories for Sold Items
« on: December 03, 2022, 09:58:18 am »
I noticed that when I pull in my sold items, the Main Category, Sub Category, Fee Category and Listing Format fields are blank. Is there a way to automate populating these fields with information from eBay or do I need to complete these manually?

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