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Messages - 2southpaws

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Technical Support / Re: Need help with reports
« on: March 10, 2019, 02:14:41 pm »
Hi Scott,

Thanks for getting back to me. I'm glad to know I'm using the expenses tab correctly. I'll definitely go back and enter my top rated credits manually.

I appreciate you offering to take a look at my file to help diagnose the other issue. I'll email it over shortly.


Technical Support / Re: Adding non-Ebay items to Sold List
« on: March 09, 2019, 10:07:06 am »
Thank you for asking this question! I keep a separate spreadsheet for my non-eBay earnings (Mercari, Poshmark, Etsy). I change the text color of the item name (purple for Posh, dark red for Mercari) in the Product Master tab when an item sells on another platform to remind me that it won't be appearing in the sales on MCP.

Using MCP for everything would be so much easier!

And thanks, Scott, for letting us know how to do it. :)

Technical Support / Need help with reports
« on: March 09, 2019, 09:59:28 am »
I've been using MCP for over a year now. I sell primarily vintage items so my 99.9% of my inventory is unique items. I've typically been using MCP just to be able to see what my net profit is for each item.

I realized I'm missing out on a huge function your powerful software in not utilizing the P&L and analysis reports! I have now entered my expenses (exclusive of inventory purchases) on the Expenses tab. My typical expenses on that tab are my eBay store subscription monthly fee, office and shipping supply expenses, and other general business costs (like my monthly MCP fee).

When I started to look at the different reports I noticed that most of them aren't populating. On the P&L Statement and Annual P&L tabs, only February and March of 2019 appear to be working correctly. The rest of the months (from January 2019 back) are only pulling in the line items from the Expenses tab.

The Annual Analysis tab only pulls in "other fees" and "overhead expenses".

The Month Analysis tab appears to be working correctly for all months.

One question about the P&L Statement tab...I know that MCP doesn't pull in the eBay subscription fee info from my account, which is why I enter it manually in the Expenses tab (I'm assuming that's the correct way to do it?). Do I also need to enter my Top Rated Seller FVF Discount manually on each month's P&L Statement? Is there anything else I should be entering manually?

Scott, if you need more info from me (screenshots, etc) I'm happy to connect via email, but I did want to post my questions here so others who may have the same or similar questions could benefit from your advice. Thanks so much!!!


Technical Support / Re: weird ROI / PROFIT issue
« on: October 27, 2018, 08:53:32 am »
Yep, that did it. Somehow, shipping supplies were $43,000! Thanks for your help, Scott.

Technical Support / weird ROI / PROFIT issue
« on: October 26, 2018, 06:44:43 pm »
Can anyone offer any insight into why this occurred?

The ROI and Profit for one of my downloaded sales is waaaay off. I have tried troubleshooting it every which way but can't figure out what's causing the problem. I'm attaching a screenshot of the fields. You can see that the ones above and below it are fine.

Here are the numbers in the spreadsheet for this item:
     Purchase price - $6.46
     Postage - $7.25
     Final Value Fee - $2.28
     Paypal fee - 1.08
     Sale price - 15.72
     Shipping - $9.20
     Sales tax - 2.06

I've verified that the formulas in these two fields are the same as in the other fields in the rest of the two columns. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks, Scott! Everything is working properly again now.


This morning, when I clicked on the "check active items on ebay" button on the ActiveList tab, all of my active items disappeared from the spreadsheet and I received the message "you have no active items". I tried it several times, and also tried closing and reopening the spreadsheet and then trying again. No luck.

I'm afraid of clicking the "download sales from ebay" button on the SoldList tab, for fear that those will disappear as well.

Can you tell me what's going on?

Thanks in advance,


Frequently Asked Questions / Re: Store subscription fee
« on: December 04, 2017, 09:51:27 pm »
It does. thanks, Scott!

Is there a specific sheet it should be entered on, or just on the ExpenseTracking sheet? Is there a certain dropdown category I need to use in order to get it to show up correctly on the P&L sheets?

(Can you tell I know just enough about basic accounting stuff to really mess things up?) :)

Thanks again for your continued support as I learn how to use MyCostPro.


Frequently Asked Questions / Store subscription fee
« on: December 04, 2017, 10:14:22 am »
Quick question (an easy one, for a change!)...

Is there a way to get the spreadsheet to pull my monthly store subscription fee into expenses or do I need to enter it manually on the expenses tab each month?

I'm thinking because the spreadsheet is linked to my ebay account there might be a way to do it.



Technical Support / Re: Sold list has stopped updating from Product Master
« on: November 30, 2017, 07:17:00 pm »
Will do, thanks!

Technical Support / Re: Sold list has stopped updating from Product Master
« on: November 29, 2017, 10:21:52 pm »
Thanks. I just tried the transfer as per your instructions. Unfortunately it didn't fix the initial problem, and now there's a second issue. On the Product Master tab of my original sheet I have 342 line items. When I did the transfer, only the first 60 show up on the new sheet.

I'm not sure what else could be going on.

Technical Support / Sold list has stopped updating from Product Master
« on: November 29, 2017, 12:42:52 pm »
Now my sold list and product master list are no longer communicating. When I list an item I make sure to copy the listing title exactly from the Active Items List into my Product Master List. When I sell an item and click on the "Fill in Product Master Details" on the Sold Items List, nothing happens. Same thing if I click on the "Apply Updates to Sold List" on the Product Master sheet.

What am I doing wrong?? Thanks in advance.

Yep, that worked...thanks!

I had one sale yesterday, for which the buyer has already paid and I've already shipped the item. It is in my eBay orders section under "paid and shipped".

I know one sale right now is not a huge deal, but with the weekend coming up, I want to be sure that everything is working properly. Thanks!

UPDATE: as of this morning, active items are downloading fine, but sold items still are not downloading.

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