MycostPro Forum
Categories => Technical Support => Topic started by: modernvintageguitar on February 23, 2017, 05:46:37 am
I am trying to set up my inventory. I have different listings of the same item. (Ex. 1 Control Plate - 2 Control Plates - 3 Control Plates etc.).
Where and how do I set this up so that my current available inventory numbers are correct when a multiple content listing is sold?
To avoid confusion, these are NOT "amount available for Purchase" of the item. So, if I had a listing of " 3 Control Plates with 4 available and a client bought 3 of this item, I would need my inventory of control plates to be reduced by 9.
I Saw the headings of Variations but wasn't sure if that is where I do this.
Please let me know Where and how to set an accurate Inventory On Hand and re-order page
Did you get my email?
Yes, Thanks. I sent a correction of where I saw the Inventory columns. It was an image on your MyCost2016 eBay listing.
Please let me know information on the inventory multiples and total inventory in stock request progress. I have two other items.
On the home page, the result on the upper left box on the dashboard won't change, I've tried each parameter and the result stays on the original 370 number from original download.
Can the Sold List be prioritized with most recent date at the Top? It would make daily sales easier to see and work on, instead of scrolling to the bottom each time.
Modern Vintage Guitar
Hi Ron,
The "widget" boxes on the home page are set to only calculate when the home page is activated when going to it from another page. This keeps it from having to calculate continuously whenever data is edited and on load up, where it may slow down the load process.
Please go to the sold list (or any other tab) and then click to go back to the Home... it should update all of the widgets as it opens.
Let me know if you still have any trouble with that.
The sorting is a good suggestion, I will add it to the list of future update items to allow you to select your preference from the settings tab.
Can you post this in the "feature request" section so other's can comment and fine-tune the idea?
For the inventory question, I apologize I thought it was cleared up because you were looking at the 2016 version of the sheet... The Pro/2017 sheet does not track inventory that way. The Pro sheet was designed to allow you to directly control the listing quantity of the live listing, which was intended to replace that functionality from 2016.
No problem on the inventory Totals. I understand that "Pro" has the download of daily updates directly from eBay as it's main benefit.
I will definitely suggest the availability of changing the sold date column hierarchy to latest first on the "Feature Request" section.
I just tried going in and out to different headings and then back to dashboard. No matter what drop down is chosen for the upper left dashboard box, whether a Dollar result or a count, It never changes. The result is always "370". All of the other Dashboard boxes do the correct changes. Is there a way to copy the formulas from one of the working boxes into the in-op box?
Is there a particular video that demonstrates using the Variation Section? I may have missed it.
Thanks for your Time and Help
Will you send a copy of your file to It sounds like a formula might have gotten messed up. I can fix it and also let you know what happened so you can be aware of it.
For the variation: This is populated by eBay for items that you list with variations. For example: If you have identical T-Shirts in different colors or different sizes. When you list them all in a single listing with "Variations" it allows the buyers to select which variation they want to purchase from the single listing. The spreadsheet will populate in the variation section when that is applicable.
Let me know if you still have any questions about that.