MycostPro Forum
Categories => Feature Requests => Topic started by: Waldo784 on January 04, 2024, 04:12:22 pm
Is there a way to download the my ebay purchases that are either in my Active Item List and/or Sold Item List? I will buy items on ebay and then try to sell it for a little more. I would to have this auto-populate.
It might be a bit tricky to determine which item was purchased and link it with the item you are selling... Do you have any suggestion for that?
For example, if you purchase a "cast iron pan great condition", and you sell it as "Lodge 10.25 inch iron grill great condition"... or you purchase 10 different Terminator 2 DVDs between 1 and 3 dollars each, and you get them and only 8 of them are resalable etc.
how about just download ebay purchases and let us users decide what to do with that info - that would be a huge help. it would be trivial to categorize the just like other expenses by just adding a "personal" expense category for items that are not business related. That would be a giant step forward for MCP