MycostPro Forum

Categories => MyCostPro Updates and Version History => Topic started by: Scott on January 03, 2023, 04:50:40 pm

Title: New version released - 1/3/23 - Available now!
Post by: Scott on January 03, 2023, 04:50:40 pm
Hello everyone, and Happy New Year!
We have just released a significant update which is NOW LIVE for download:

Download with your download key and user ID at:

MyCostPro  (New file needs to be downloaded for new features)
 *  Client Commission Support added
    - Setup screen allows user to set various options including how to pair the client by SKU, etc.
    - Calculated commission and client information is automatically added to sales list tab
 *  Mileage Tracking screen and yearly summary added
 *  Replaced Performance Snapshot with more powerful and flexible PRO Query screen
    - See filtered results to match multiple criteria, view summary and itemized list if needed
 *  Changed characteristics of how the download duration days are updated (simplified)
    - Changed default duration to 90 days instead of 7
 *  Added additional line item details to all of the various reports and P&L statements
 *  Added additional options for BULK SHIPPING (located in the Account Info / Settings tab)
    - Add bulk shipping transactions to the sales transaction tab (only previous option)
    - Send bulk shipping transaction information to the EXPENSE TRACKING tab (separate from item sales tab)
    - Ignore bulk shipping transaction information (do not import) - if user prefers to enter manually
 * AD FEEs will now tie directly to the individual Transaction instead of the general listing.  A new column was added for these.
 * All VBA macros are now code signed with a Microsoft-trusted provider, allowing for more granular policy control for security-focused users.
 * Replaced 'Click Layout Assist' fucntion with updated Hide / unhide 'h' column button

Server and API changes
 * We are continually adapting to eBay API changes and optimizing for enhanced speed of download, additional data points that can be retrieved, etc.  These continuous changes throughout the year do not require a new file to be downloaded.

Thank you so much for everybody's feedback in making these changes!
Let me know if you have any issues with the new file.
Title: Re: New version released - 1/3/23 - Available now!
Post by: Scott on January 04, 2023, 06:42:20 pm
We have just put a new version up, one of the functions wasn't optimized so it might slow down the file in the version that was available last night.  Sorry for the trouble, but please re-download again if you got the file between yesterday and this evening (1/4/23).
Title: Re: New version released - 1/3/23 - Available now!
Post by: william_b_noble on January 15, 2023, 02:25:37 pm
can you please consider putting a version number into the program? the home page would be a logical place for it.  There is no way (that I have found, at least) to tell whether the version I am running is or is not the lastest.  I would recommend a major/minor numbering system - major versions would include important new features, minor versions would be bug fixes or minor improvements for major versions.
Title: Re: New version released - 1/3/23 - Available now!
Post by: Scott on January 15, 2023, 03:08:30 pm
Its hidden in there for us to troubleshoot, but Ill make it visible on the homepage for the next update.