MycostPro Forum
Categories => MyCostPro Updates and Version History => Topic started by: Scott on November 19, 2022, 05:18:28 pm
As many of you know, the eBay API used for shipping was deprecated, and a new API took its place that is not fully functional.
The current API does not always return item transaction information in order for us to link the shipping cost to a specific sale, and it NEVER returns transaction information for bulk shipping.
The eBay Developer Support team has responded indicating that they have escalated to development support requesting additional API functionality to fix this, but they did not give any time frame for a resolution.
In order to provide as much information as possible for your (our customers) downloads, we will be creating a line item for the BULK SHIPPING amount, which will include the sum of all of the items shipping costs for that transaction.
Since we cannot break the amount out accurately for each item, we will lump them together as a row in your sales download.
We anticipate this change to roll out the evening of 11/19/2022.
If anyone has any questions or concerns about this update, please let us know as soon as you are able. Thank you for being loyal MCP customers!
This change is now live.
If you use bulk shipping you will see the purchase of bulk shipping labels show up in your downloaded sales. Let us know if you have any questions about this change.
When we first deployed this change, there was a bug that was returning Bulk shipping information incorrectly.
We are working on getting this resolved and updated to our servers; in the mean time we have rolled back this change so that incorrect information will not be sent to your MyCostPro file.
If you saved your file after downloading the bulk items, you can safely delete them.
Click the FULL SCREEN button in the top right.
This will display the row labeling in excel, right click the row to be deleted and select delete.
The bug has been fixed and it is now re-deployed back to our servers.
You should now be receiving CORRECT bulk shipping information (if you ship via bulk shipping) to your sales download.
Thank you for your patience, if you received any incorrect bulk shipping entries, they can be deleted safely at this time.
-Click the FULL SCREEN button in the top right.
-This will display the row labeling in excel, right click the row to be deleted and select delete.
Am I understanding correctly that the "Postage" column should be working again?
If so, I am still having problems with that field populating unfortunately, regardless of whether bulk shipping or single shipping was used. Thanks in advance for any help or clarification regarding this issue.
Can you let me know your specific situation by emailing me at